
Climate ‘Emergency’? Not So Fast

By Richard Lindzen and William Happer By obligating the United States once more to the Paris agreement, and by signaling very clearly that “climate” will be central to its policies, the Biden administration has joined other governments in the crusade against a supposed “climate emergency.” We use the word “crusade” advisedly, since the frenzy over… Continue Reading

Millions in Africa Being Sacrificed at the Alter of Green Energy

By Gregory Wrightstone – CO2 Coalition Executive Director Obama-era policies that favor so-called green energy over coal-fired  electricity are dooming millions of Africans to lives of extreme  poverty, environmental degradation, and increased risk of early death,  according to a new analysis by the CO2 Coalition. The study by the Arlington, Virginia-based coalition of 60 climate… Continue Reading

Patrick Moore: De-bunking climate and other varieties of alarmism

Patrick Moore: De-bunking climate and other varieties of alarmism Moore’s new book presents 11 alleged present catastrophes or threats of future doom and shows how claims are fake news and fake science The Great Barrier Reef is alive and well: Go and see it for yourself. The first part of that is true. The second… Continue Reading

Happer: Easy being green – A review of  False Alarm, by Bjorn Lomborg

By: Will Happer A review of  False Alarm, by Bjorn Lomborg Books in this article Bjorn Lomborg False Alarm Basic Books, 320 pages, $30.00 For many years, the Danish economist Bjorn Lomborg has bravely contested the lie that a “climate apocalypse” is the greatest threat to humanity. He correctly points out that humanity faces much more… Continue Reading

Mouse Squeaks at Lion

Mouse Squeaks at Lion Kip Hansen – 10 December 2021 Some people just seem to have a distorted view of their proper place in the Universe.  In what should have been seen as a joke has been taken seriously by David Vetter a “Senior Contributor” at FORBES.  Note that the magazine gives a disclaimer that… Continue Reading

Richard Lindzen: Is global warming founded on fact?

By Richard S. Lindzen CO2 Coalition note: This paper, originally published in 2008 was prepared for a symposium at Yale University and suffered a very unusual publication history.  Dr. Lindzen had provided ResearchGate with an amended version that included an explanatory introduction, the inserted rebuttal by Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf (that was very different from what… Continue Reading

Facts vs. “Fact-checkers”: Facebook’s Needless Censorship of Climate Science

Statement for the Record U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Hearing on Censorship of Science October 28, 2020 Facts vs. “Fact-checkers”: Facebook’s Needless Censorship of Climate Science and Energy Economics Submitted by Dr. Caleb Stewart Rossiter Executive Director, CO2 Coalition Chairman Wicker, Ranking Member Cantwell, and Members of the Committee: Thank you for… Continue Reading

The Great Energy Non-Transition

The Great Energy Non-Transition By Bruce Everett, Ph.D. One of the troubling characteristics of today’s civic discourse is the tendency to confuse predictions with reality.  Nowhere is this problem more severe than in the debate over climate and its associated issues. The last hundred years have seen increasing emissions of carbon dioxide – a benign… Continue Reading

Multimedia and Communications Associate 2022 July

Multimedia and Communications Associate CO2 Coalition – Arlington, VA  Background The CO2 Coalition is a non-profit organization which promotes rational analysis of climate science and energy economics. The Coalition is looking for a highly motivated Associate to lead our communications, manage our website and execute media outreach programs. The Associate will work closely with Coalition… Continue Reading

Response of the CO2 Coalition to calls for Facebook censorship

Response of the CO2 Coalition to calls for Facebook censorship Statement by CO2 Coalition Chair Patrick Moore and Executive Director Caleb Stewart Rossiter on the Abrams-Steyer letter asking Facebook to shut down the Coalition’s page and censor its articles on other pages Climate Power 2020 recently published a letter signed by former gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, former… Continue Reading

MIT’s Dr. Lindzen Pokes Fun At The ‘Naïve’, Well-Funded ‘Scientific Reasoning’ That 1 Factor – CO2 – Controls Climate

By Kenneth Richard In a new paper, atmospheric physicist Dr. Richard Lindzen summarizes the “implausible” claims today’s proponents of dangerous anthropogenic global warming espouse. Dr. Richard Lindzen retired several years ago, and yet his immense contribution to the atmospheric sciences lives on. His research is still cited about 600 times per year. Lindzen recently published another… Continue Reading

I Love Carbon Dioxide and You Should Too

Gregory Wrightstone The demonization of the “miracle molecule,” carbon dioxide, continued last week with the announcement that its concentration had reached 410 parts per million (ppm). Nearly all reporting of this noted that this was the highest level in 800,000 years and predicted a host of associated climate calamities. While the current concentration of this… Continue Reading

Dr. Patrick Moore & Dr. Caleb Rossiter Rebut Wash Post: Oops! Climate Change Actually NOT the Cause of Coastal Flooding

Dr. Patrick Moore & Dr. Caleb Rossiter Rebut Wash Post: Oops! Climate Change Actually NOT the Cause of Coastal Flooding By Patrick Moore and Caleb Stewart Rossiter Consumers of the climate religion media – which comprises pretty much every outlet from CNN leftward – should be forgiven for believing that a climate crisis requires that… Continue Reading

Would Einstein be a global warming skeptic if alive today?

By: Will Happer Albert Einstein would almost certainly have been a global warming skeptic if he were alive today. Many distinguished, contemporary scientists are skeptics too. We are lucky that Einstein left a rich legacy of pithy quotes that reveal how he would probably relate to today’s cult of global warming alarmists. Take the oft… Continue Reading

Patrick Moore: I was banned from speaking in Regina over this alternative CO2 point of view

Patrick Moore: I was banned from speaking in Regina over this alternative CO2 point of view There is no doubt in my mind that on balance our CO2 emissions are 100 per cent positive for the continuation of life on Earth Late last Friday I was deplatformed for the first time in my 45 years… Continue Reading

Distinguished Princeton Physicist Likens Climate Movement To “Madness”…A “Bizarre Environmental Cult”

By: P. Gosselin At COP 25 in Madrid, Princeton physicist and former President Trump advisor Prof. em. William Happer spoke on the “false pretenses of a climate emergency” and called the climate protection movement a “bizarre environmental cult”, “absurd” and “madness”. The distinguished professor said, “It’s too bad we are here on false pretenses, wasting our… Continue Reading

The Social Cost of Carbon and Carbon Taxes – Pick a number, any number

The Social Cost of Carbon and Carbon Taxes – Pick a number, any number By Bruce M. Everett – CO2 Coalition Director From the Executive Summary Leaving aside its scientific and economic uncertainties, the government’s Social Cost of Carbon is so sensitive to input assumptions that small, quite reasonable variations can produce almost any price… Continue Reading

Patrick Moore: Responding to UN Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

Responding to the Global Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Date: May 23, 2019 By: Dr. Patrick Moore, Ph.D. Testifying before: House Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Oceans and Wildlife Chairman Huffman, Ranking Member McClintock, and members of the Committee. Thank you for the opportunity to testify at today’s hearing.… Continue Reading

Sarah Peake and the Danish green fairy tale

Sarah Peake and the Danish green fairy tale By Bruce M. Everett – CO2 Coalition Director At a recent Harwich meeting, state Rep. Sarah Peake, D-Provincetown, praised the proposed “Green New Deal” to move the U.S. to 100 percent zero-emission energy within 10 years. (Ignore for now the other Green New Deal proposals for guaranteed… Continue Reading

How green is my planet?

Gregory Wrightstone The revelation this week that CO2 had just reached 410 ppm is just the most recent negative climate “tipping point” being reached.  This news was accompanied by the usual links to future apocalyptic warming events and predictions of the Earth spiraling into planetary doom.  According to the self-proclaimed guardians of the Earth, we… Continue Reading

A Pennsylvania Commission Banned Wind Energy. Here’s Why

This month, the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) voted unanimously to ban wind turbines on the 1.5 million acres it controls. Fully five percent  of the Commonwealth’s land is managed by the PGC, yet no commercial wind  project had ever been approved. There has been no development in  spite of the fact that the land’s many… Continue Reading

William Happer, Steven E. Koonin and Richard S. Lindzen’s Response to Judge William H. Alsup’s Tutorial Questions

The Court has invited a tutorial on global warming and climate change, which is set to occur March 21, 2018. The Court also identified specific questions to be addressed at the tutorial.  Pursuant to Civil L.R. 7-11, Professors William Happer, Steven E. Koonin, and Richard S. Lindzen respectfully ask the Court to accept their presentation… Continue Reading

Lindzen: On the ‘Death of Skepticism’ Concerning Climate Hysteria

By Richard Lindzen, Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Bill Nye looks forward to the death of skeptics in this Huffington Post essay. There is a sound basis for his wish. While the politicized climate issue dates back to the 60’s, things really took off after the Clinton-Gore administration assumed power and funding… Continue Reading

The case for nixing the Paris Agreement

By William Happer ANALYSIS/OPINION: The United States should withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. For too long, well-meaning policymakers have been misled by propaganda, masquerading as science, that more atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) will harm the planet. Paris represents the culmination of this campaign. The pact extends into perpetuity, its very terms dispensing with the value of the supposedly… Continue Reading

Richard Lindzen: Some thoughts on the public discourse over climate change.

By Richard Lindzen Image via MIT atmospheric science professor Richard Lindzen suggests that many claims regarding climate change are exaggerated and unnecessarily alarmist. For over 30 years, I have been giving talks on the science of climate change. When, however, I speak to a non-expert audience, and attempt to explain such matters as climate sensitivity,… Continue Reading

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