Frits Byron Soepyan January 2025 Abstract: Various educational and medical institutions, as well as policymakers, have expressed concerns regarding the use of metered-dose inhalers to prevent or treat shortness of breath associated with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as these inhalers use hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are greenhouse gases, as propellants. In response, “environmentally…
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The paper’s Abstract explains that while the “radiative forcing” of each methane molecule is indeed 30 times larger than that of a carbon dioxide molecule, the increase in global methane is 300 times less than that of carbon dioxide. As a result, methane is only one tenth (30/300) as powerful in forcing as carbon dioxide, which adds about a degree Celsius to global warming as it doubles in the atmosphere. A methane doubling would provide only a tiny fraction of total greenhouse forcing, the paper says....
Lightfoot and Ratzer, a Response: Why an Equation of State Alone Cannot Model Atmospheric Dynamics
By Kevin Kilty, Ph.D., P.E. CO2 Coalition Member Retired Mechanical Engineering faculty member, University of Wyoming Among the many attempts to demonstrate that CO2 has little to no effect on climate are several that purport to use an equation of state as their basis. A recent example by Lightfoot and Ratzer is entitled “The Sun…
Human Contribution to Atmospheric CO2: How Human Emissions Are Restoring Vital Atmospheric CO2
Ferdinand Engelbeen, Renee Hannon, and David Burton December 2024 Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s, the average concentration of Earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) has increased by about 140 parts per million by volume (ppmv) to the current amount of about 420 ppmv. This is much higher than concentrations of…
Frits Byron Soepyan, William Happer, Gregory Wrightstone December 2024 Abstract: There is a growing concern in the medical industry regarding the emission of anesthetic gases, such as sevoflurane, nitrous oxide, isoflurane and desflurane, into the atmosphere, because these anesthetic gases are greenhouse gases. To determine if these concerns are sensible, we compiled the information regarding…
Submitted by: Gregory Wrightstone, Executive Director Frits Byron Soepyan, Research and Science Associate CO2 Coalition, Arlington, Virginia October 22, 2024 to the Wyoming Energy Authority We recommend against the expenditure of Wyoming tax revenues to study or implement the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or from the effluents of power plants and other…
Testimonies & Statements - Featured
This expert opinion was filed September 10, 2024 Court of Appeals The Hague The Hague The Netherlands Richard Lindzen Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Emeritus Massachusetts Institute of Technology William Happer Professor of Physics, Emeritus Princeton University Steven Koonin University Professor, New York University, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute Re: Shell v.…
Open Letter to National Renewable Energy Laboratory RE: Los Angeles 100% Renewable Energy Study
August 12, 2024 Jaquelin Cochran, PhD Director, Grid Planning and Analysis Center National Renewable Energy Laboratory Re: CO2 Coalition Challenges Climate Basis for LADWP LA100 Dear Dr. Cochran: Good news: There is NO climate crisis in California. This letter regards the Los Angeles 100% Renewable Energy Study (LA100), which is a joint collaboration between the…
Two Important Supreme Court Cases Strongly Support the CO2 Coalition’s Supreme Court Strategy
July 14, 2024 Two recent Supreme Court cases validate the CO2 Coalition’s Supreme Court Strategy to file comments that can be used in briefings by those challenging various Net Zero regulations in the Courts of Appeal and then the Supreme Court. Coalition comments were filed by Drs. William Happer (Princeton) and Richard Lindzen (MIT) in…
Net Zero Policies Will Have a Trivial Effect on Temperature, But Disastrous Effects on People Worldwide
Richard Lindzen Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Emeritus Massachusetts Institute of Technology William Happer Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Princeton University Net Zero Policies Will Have a Trivial Effect on Temperature, But Disastrous Effects on People Worldwide July 19, 2024 The United States and countries worldwide are vigorously pursuing regulations and subsidies to reduce…
Science & Policy Briefs - Featured
Effects of Net Zero by 2050 – Summary Physics Proves that Policies by the United States and Other Countries to Reduce CO2 Emissions to Net Zero by the Year 2050 and Eliminate Fossil Fuels Will Have A Trivial Effect on Temperature and Weather, But Disastrous Effects for the Average Citizen and Countries Worldwide We are…
When recording historic levels of CO2 concentration, records from air bubbles in Antarctic ice cores are regarded as the gold standard for paleo-atmospheric global CO2 concentrations during past interglacial and glacial periods over the last 800,000 years. Antarctic ice-core data are openly available from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and have been studied…
Member Publications - Featured
Radiative transport of energy in the atmosphere can be easily calculated using fundamental physics. These calculations confirm the observations that greenhouse gases play a modest role in climate warming. The important conclusion from theory and measurements is that there is no man-made climate crisis. However, climate models – constructed by governmental organizations – predict a…
R. Lindzen, W. Happer, and W. A. van Wijngaarden June 2024 Many people are surprised by how little warming would be averted from adoption of net zero policies. For example, if the United States achieved net zero emissions of carbon dioxide by the year 2050, only a few hundredths of a degree Celsius of warming…
We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest research report Nutritive Value of Plants Growing in Enhanced CO2 Concentrations (eCO2). Despite many years of claims that increasing concentrations of CO2 are an “existential threat” to life on Earth, one cannot identify any harm that has been done. In fact, the only clear result…
Paper prepared by Richard Lindzen, William Happer, Steven Koonin and submitted April 16, 2024. Summary provided below and the entire paper can be accessed here: Lindzen Happer Koonin climate science 4-24. THERE WILL BE DISASTROUS CONSEQUENCES FOR THE POOR, PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, FUTURE GENERATIONS AND THE WEST IF FOSSIL FUELS, CO2 AND OTHER GHG EMISSIONS ARE…
Click the link below to view/download the presentation slides (based on CO2 Coalition member Marty Cornell’s report) Teaching Ocean Acidification In this presentation, Dr. Sharon Camp addresses the widespread concern that the fossil fuel-driven increase in atmospheric CO2 is a detriment to our oceans and its marine life.
An open letter to the California Air Resources Board Download the entire body of the CO2 Coalition report here CO2C Letter to CARB Body March 22, 2024 Re: CO2 Coalition Evidence of NO Climate Crisis in California Dear Sir or Madam: Good news: There is NO climate crisis in California. This claim was verified by…
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report examines the actual and projected effects of the climate on the State of Wyoming in response to proposals to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) through the use of “carbon capture” in order to avert purportedly catastrophic atmospheric warming. This research concludes that Wyoming – like the planet – is benefiting…
By W. A. van Wijngaarden, Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Canada and W. Happer, Department of Physics, Princeton University, USA We discuss the basic ways greenhouse gases affect radiation transfer in Earth’s atmosphere. We explain how greenhouse gases like water vapor, H2O, or carbon dioxide, CO2, differ from non-greenhouse gases like nitrogen, N2,…
Statement by Dr. James Enstrom concerning unethical practices of the UCLA Law School 11/6/23 UCLA Law School Unethically Promotes an Anti-Science Climate Emergency By Dr. James Enstrom – PhD in physics, Stanford University Please read my November 2, 2023 email letter to the UCLA Law School Dean Michael Waterstone. It is very important to…
CO2 Coalition Director Bruce Everett and Member Ed Hoskins offer their insight and expertise on the climate policy debate in A Primer on Climate Policy Math. The climate policy debate has two components: scientific and economic. In terms of the science, people should ask the following questions: On what basis do climate activists refer to…
G. Shanmugam Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas 76019 ABSTRACT The geologic record shows that the Earth’s climate has always been changing naturally during the past 600 million years in terms of CO2 and temperature, without CO2 emissions from Fossil Fuels by humans. There were both warming…
CO2 Coalition Submits Comment on EPA’s Proposed Power Plant Regulations as Dangerous and Unscientific
Release: Immediate July 21, 2023 Download entire comment here (pdf) ARLINGTON, Va. – A proposed federal rule to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants should not be adopted because it scientifically invalid and would endanger lives by denying people the benefits of fossil fuels and increasing levels of CO2, according to two eminent physicists.…