
Natural Gas Industry’s Smear of Coal Is False and Self-Defeating

By Gregory Wrightstone Smearing coal has become a marketing strategy of a natural gas industry that embraces pseudoscientific views of coal combustion as being hazardous. In so doing, gas supporters give credence to a fallacious regulatory regime of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which erroneously classifies carbon dioxide as a pollutant and assigns health effects… Continue Reading

Anemia Would Rise in Climate Obsessed’s Meatless Dystopia

By Vijay Jayaraj Iron deficiency — and the anemia it causes — remains a persistent global health issue that can only be exacerbated by a war on meat waged by climate alarmists, whose hostility to animal protein is a manifestation of an anti-human ideology. Growing up in South Asia, I observed a dietary practice in… Continue Reading

Energy Density and Human DNA Will Determine Energy Future

By Vijay Jayaraj Though touted as next generation energy sources, solar and wind technologies have been shoe-horned into electricity grids only through government fiat and subsidies. Their failure to be adopted freely by investors and consumers lies in the pathetic energy density of solar panels and wind turbines. Energy density is defined as the amount… Continue Reading

World’s Most Populous Nation Has Put Solar Out To Pasture. Other Countries Should Follow Suit

By Vijay Jayaraj During his debate with former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden claimed: “The only existential threat to humanity is climate change.” What if I told you that it is not climate change but climate policies that are the real existential threat to billions across our planet? The allure of a green utopia masks… Continue Reading

Scam of the Century! Ridding the World of Crude Oil Without a Replacement is Global Suicide!

Co-authored by Ronald Stein and Gregory Wrightstone The world now sustains 8 billion people—ten times the population prior to the Industrial Revolution and thankfully has experienced record crop production. This rapid increase in agricultural output is partially attributable to an increase in atmospheric CO2 since 1940. This rise in CO2 levels alone is linked to… Continue Reading

Climate Orthodoxy’s Senseless Punishment

By Vijay Jayaraj The world is said to be in the midst of a climate emergency. Illegal immigration, aircraft turbulence and even your dog’s behavior are all blamed on climate change. The prescribed solutions are the forced adoption of so-called green technologies that are less reliable and more expensive, driving up costs and lowering living… Continue Reading

The Net Zero Agenda Threatens Your Future Clothing Purchases

By Vijay Jayaraj Whether living in the United States or in a European country, there is a greater chance of wearing a garment made in Bangladesh than in one’s homeland. However, the south Asian country’s dominance in the manufacture of clothing is being threatened by a “green” agenda undermining the power supply. With availability of… Continue Reading

Humanity’s Ascent Linked to Fossil Fuels: A Story Less Told

By Vijay Jayaraj Having been subjected to daily media fantasies about a climate crisis, consider the reality that your children’s children will not only survive but thrive in a world that is benefiting from a warmer climate, higher levels of atmospheric CO2 and a plethora of scientific discoveries and innovations. In the annals of human… Continue Reading

The Paradox: If The Elite Really Cared About Humanity, They Wouldn’t Ban Fossil Fuels To Destroy Our Way Of Life

By Ronald Stein and Vijay Jayaraj Almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day and billions living with little to no access to electricity, like those living in places like Africa, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia, is complicated by the hypocritical “green” agendas of leaders in the few wealthier developed economies… Continue Reading

Climate Policy Should Not Be Used To Determine Limits on Hospital Emissions

By Vijay Jayaraj The turbulence that caused a Singapore Airlines flight to drop 6,000 feet in minutes was blamed on climate change by a hysterical media. Having killed a passenger and injured more than 70 others, the incident was one of the worst of its kind and indeed tragic. However, the connection to supposed man-made… Continue Reading

Natural Gas Fuels Prosperity of Canadian First Nations Communities

By Vijay Jayaraj Obsessed with the faux climate crisis, the Canadian government in Ottawa seemingly discounts altogether the social and economic benefits of natural gas to First Nations communities of the country’s western region. Approximately 5% of the world’s gas comes from Canada, mainly from the vast Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin underlying several provinces, including… Continue Reading

Tiger Populations Depend on Conservation, Not Climate Management

By Vijay Jayaraj Radical organizations such as Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion routinely blame the fossil fuel industry and rapid industrialization for damaging ecosystems. One such claim is that climate change is killing polar bears and myriad other species. “Climate change could wipe out one of world’s largest tiger strongholds,” claimed a headline at But… Continue Reading

Energy Sobriety In The Canadian Rockies: Natural Gas Is Here To Stay

By Tilak Doshi What a breathe of fresh air! Not only because it is in the mountains, the Canadian Rockies, with the spectacular backdrop of Banff, Alberta, to be specific. But also because it is refreshing that the triennial global gas conference IGRC2024 held in Banff last week headlined speakers who proclaimed the virtues of fossil fuels… Continue Reading

Brazil’s Economic Future Hinges on Fossil Fuels

By Vijay Jayaraj Brazil’s prosperity hinges on its capacity to harness the foundational element of any economy: energy. However, for millions of Brazilians, the path to economic advancement is complicated by the hypocritical “green” agendas of leaders in developed economies that have benefited from fossil fuels since the beginning of the industrial era. As an… Continue Reading

Counter Point: Fossil Fuels Help the Environment

By Vijay Jayaraj One of the biggest pushbacks to economic development today is the claim that growth destroys nature. Radical organizations like Extinction Rebellion label capitalism and agriculture as evil. The fossil-fuel industry in particular and industrialization in general are blamed for the loss of ecosystems and habitats. Mainstream media make dramatic claims that wildlife… Continue Reading

Fossil Fuels Are the Answer to Asia’s Hot Summers

By Vijay Jayaraj Fossil fuels, often blamed for causing Asia’s hot summers due to global warming, are helping people survive the sweltering heat! Yes, coal-fired power plants, despite their caricature of evil by know-nothing journalists, continue to play a crucial role in ensuring energy security during challenging summers. In the densely populated metropolitan areas of… Continue Reading

Coal’s Importance for Solar Panel Manufacturing

By Dr. Lars Schernikau Coal is not the favorite “child” these days. It seems that almost the entire western political world has sworn to send coal to its grave. Not only have the United Nations and the IEA literally declared “war” on coal, but countless political, activist organizations and even leading financial institutions have pledged, if it… Continue Reading

Drowning in Sewage and Dumping Money into a Climate Rathole

We humans dream of colonizing Mars, building flying cars, and achieving immortality. Yet, amidst this fervent pursuit of futures that sometimes drift into fantasy, we’re neglecting critical problems of the present. An example is rampant pollution of our waters. This neglect exists even in advanced societies such as the United Kingdom, where untreated sewage spills… Continue Reading

Winter Without Your Gasoline Car?

By Steve Goreham January of this year brought near-zero temperatures to Chicago and other northern cites, producing an electric vehicle (EV) charging nightmare. National media showed images of owners pushing dead EVs around charging stations and waiting for hours to try to charge their vehicle. Drivers lucky enough to connect to a charger sat in… Continue Reading

The U.S. Needs a Nuclear Energy Makeover

Bipartisan legislation in Congress could make it easier to deploy reactors and reduce waste. By David T. Stevenson and Robert M. Bauman Bipartisan legislation moving through Congress could solve America’s nuclear-waste problem and make it easier to deploy nuclear reactors, propelling the U.S. toward a clean-energy future. Nuclear fuel rods, which power reactors, have life spans of… Continue Reading

“All of the Above” — a VERY Bad Idea

By John Droz Jr. The fundamental fight over enacting effective energy policies is between lobbyists and the public. (A parallel perspective is that it is a contest between real Science and political science.) Lobbyists are paid to represent their clients’ economic interests or political agendas. The public consists of citizens, businesses, and the military. Lobbyists are professionals who spend most of their time soliciting… Continue Reading

As Europe Deindustrializes, Can Economic Suicide Be Avoided?

By Tilak Doshi Voltaire famously said that “common sense is not so common.” Nowhere is this adage more relevant than in the field of energy policies in the European Union. These policies are most vigorously pursued in Germany—Europe’s industrial powerhouse—since it adopted the Energiewende legislation in 2010. The regulations and mandates adopted are simultaneously hostile to fossil fuels and… Continue Reading

The Cost of Wyoming’s Senseless CO2 Capture

by Frits Byron Soepyan Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon has signed a piece of legislation that directs public utilities providing electricity to more than 10,000 customers to “generate a specified percentage of electricity that is dispatchable and reliable low‑carbon electricity.” This rule applies to existing coal‑fired plants and equivalent new plants. “Low-carbon” is defined as electricity… Continue Reading

The Looming Electrical Power Shortage

By Steve Goreham People in developed nations take abundant electricity for granted. When asked where electricity comes from, most will point to their wall outlet. But many states in the US are headed for a serious and prolonged shortage of electrical power not seen in decades, driven by rising demand from the artificial intelligence revolution… Continue Reading

Asia Embraces Coal as the U.S. Rejects It

By Vijay Jayaraj Vietnam and other Asian countries are on a coal spree! Given the dynamics of energy use in the rapidly developing industrial sector there, it is no surprise that these nations have backpedalled on big promises made at international climate conferences to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels. Vietnam’s projected 2024… Continue Reading

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