In this episode of the Climate Chronicles series, we learn about the Urban Heat Island Effect and its ability to alter temperature readings – which, in turn, misleads the world about the extent to which the climate is changing.
Every single day, a cacophony of journalists, climate activists, and climatologists alert us to some new consequence of the ostensibly catastrophic warming of the atmosphere. For example, we’ve heard endless warnings about the impending destruction of animal ecosystems, and tiger populations around the world have been victims to the doomsayers’ myriad, flimsy prophesies. Despite this,…
Contrary to what the media, climatologists, and activists are saying, man-made climate change is not wreaking havoc on food production – in fact, we’ve seen an increase in agricultural output in the past few years. Not convinced? Then watch this most recent episode of the Climate Chronicles series.
Climate Chronicles - Featured
The dinosaurs vanished in the fifth mass extinction over sixty-five million years ago. Is the sixth mass extinction already underway? In the latest CO2 Coalition Climate Chronicles video, we pull back the curtain on yet another set of untruths propagated by the Climate Industrial Complex.
Will a warmer climate kill more people? If the planet keeps getting warmer, does it mean you’ll die earlier than you should? Should you worry about a future where it’s warmer than it is now? History tells us the real story. Find out more in this CO2 Coalition Climate Chronicles video.
Is carbon dioxide poisoning the air? How much trouble are we really in? This CO2 Coalition Climate Chronicles video explains the role of carbon dioxide and its necessity for our food supply and survival.
We have about 100 years of data on wildfires in the United States available to us. However, misleading charts only present data which appears to support a massive increase in wildfires. But when you examine the entire 100-year database, you reveal a completely different perspective that shows a dramatic decrease in the amount of acres…
Why are you hearing dire climate warnings? Almost daily? Preachers of a fiery climate change gospel want you to believe that only they have the plan to stop it. But to do so, they must take control of our financial system. The climate experts at the CO2 Coalition have the complete set of data and…