
Lightfoot and Ratzer, a Response: Why an Equation of State Alone Cannot Model Atmospheric Dynamics

By Kevin Kilty, Ph.D., P.E. CO2 Coalition Member Retired Mechanical Engineering faculty member, University of Wyoming Among the many attempts to demonstrate that CO2 has little to no effect on climate are several that purport to use an equation of state as their basis. A recent example by Lightfoot and Ratzer is entitled “The Sun… Continue Reading

Human Contribution to Atmospheric CO2: How Human Emissions Are Restoring Vital Atmospheric CO2

Ferdinand Engelbeen, Renee Hannon, and David Burton December 2024 Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s, the average concentration of Earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) has increased by about 140 parts per million by volume (ppmv) to the current amount of about 420 ppmv. This is much higher than concentrations of… Continue Reading
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We Can Still Avoid the Net Zero Trap

Radiative transport of energy in the atmosphere can be easily calculated using fundamental physics. These calculations confirm the observations that greenhouse gases play a modest role in climate warming. The important conclusion from theory and measurements is that there is no man-made climate crisis. However, climate models – constructed by governmental organizations – predict a… Continue Reading

Measurement of CO2 Concentrations Through Time

When recording historic levels of CO2 concentration, records from air bubbles in Antarctic ice cores are regarded as the gold standard for paleo-atmospheric global CO2 concentrations during past interglacial and glacial periods over the last 800,000 years.  Antarctic ice-core data are openly available from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and have been studied… Continue Reading

Nutritive Value of Plants Growing in Enhanced CO2 Concentrations (eCO2)

We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest research report Nutritive Value of Plants Growing in Enhanced CO2 Concentrations (eCO2). Despite many years of claims that increasing concentrations of CO2 are an “existential threat” to life on Earth, one cannot identify any harm that has been done. In fact, the only clear result… Continue Reading

An Experiment in Ocean Acidification: Why Buffering Matters

Click the link below to view/download the presentation slides (based on CO2 Coalition member Marty Cornell’s report)   Teaching Ocean Acidification   In this presentation, Dr. Sharon Camp addresses the widespread concern that the fossil fuel-driven increase in atmospheric CO2 is a detriment to our oceans and its marine life.   Continue Reading

An open letter to the California Air Resources Board

An open letter to the California Air Resources Board Download the entire body of the CO2 Coalition report here CO2C Letter to CARB Body March 22, 2024 Re: CO2 Coalition Evidence of NO Climate Crisis in California Dear Sir or Madam: Good news: There is NO climate crisis in California. This claim was verified by… Continue Reading

The Role of Greenhouse Gases in Energy Transfer in the Earth’s Atmosphere

By W. A. van Wijngaarden, Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Canada and W. Happer, Department of Physics, Princeton University, USA We discuss the basic ways greenhouse gases affect radiation transfer in Earth’s atmosphere. We explain how greenhouse gases like water vapor, H2O, or carbon dioxide, CO2, differ from non-greenhouse gases like nitrogen, N2,… Continue Reading

A Primer on Climate Policy Math

CO2 Coalition Director Bruce Everett and Member Ed Hoskins offer their insight and expertise on the climate policy debate in A Primer on Climate Policy Math. The climate policy debate has two components: scientific and economic. In terms of the science, people should ask the following questions: On what basis do climate activists refer to… Continue Reading

Is Simon Subversive?

by Gordon Fulks Is Simon subversive? Of course not! Simon is my neighbor’s lovable orange and white tomcat who comes to visit Cali, the wild calico female cat who has taken up residence in my outbuilding. They get along famously because Cali is willing to share some of her food with Simon. Simon has become… Continue Reading

The Error of the Mean: A Dispute Between Gavin Schmidt and Nicola Scafetta

By Andy May You can read this post in German here, courtesy of Christian Freuer. Here we go again, writing on the proper use of statistics in climate science. Traditionally, the most serious errors in statistical analysis are made in the social sciences, with medical papers coming in a close second. Climate science is biting at… Continue Reading

Does Fine Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) Increase Death and Disease and Reduce Life Expectancy?

by Indur M. Goklany Periodically, we are flooded with reports of air pollution episodes in various developing countries, accompanied by claims of air pollution’s staggering death toll and associated reductions in life spans. On June 22, 2022, CBS News based on the 2022 update to an annual University of Chicago Air Quality Life Index (AQLI)… Continue Reading

Greenhouse Gases Prominent on Social Media

By Kees de Lange, professor emeritus of molecular physics and Guus Berkhout, professor emeritus of geophysics Earlier this week a video about climate science appeared on social media by Sabine Hossenfelder1.  Dr. Hossenfelder, who completed her Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at Frankfurt, Germany, should be congratulated for popularizing science on the internet2. In this particular… Continue Reading

No Matter Your View on Climate Change, Pricing CO2 is Harmful… Why?

By Dr Lars Schernikau No matter your view on climate change, pricing CO2 is harmful… why? One-sentence answer: … because pricing one externality but not others leads to economic and environmental distortions… causing human suffering. 1,600 words, 6-minute answer: Growing up in Eastern Germany, I was taught in school that – in so many words… Continue Reading

IPCC vs. The Facts: The Case for Climate Realism

BY KEN WILSON, P.ENG. (RET), JAN. 10, 2023 IPCC vs. The Facts: The Case for Climate Realism (pdf) From the Executive Summary: A key assumption driving the computer models in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) studies is that rising CO2 levels from the burning of fossil fuels produces a strong positive feedback response from… Continue Reading

It is time to talk about “Capacity Factors”​

by Dr Lars Schernikau   In electricity generation, capacity factor, utilization, and load factor are not the same. A lot of confusion exists in the press and certainly in politics, and even amongst “energy experts”, about using the term “capacity factor”. It may be excused, since the distinction made in this article became only relevant… Continue Reading

Fusion Breeding and Pure Fusion Development – Perceptions and Misperceptions

By Wallace Manheimer Abstract: This paper examines fusion breeding, namely the use of 14 MeV fusion neutrons to breed 233U fuel for thermal nuclear reactors. This can be accomplished much more quickly than pure fusion. It can become main component of a power architecture that is economical, environmentally sound and has little if any proliferation… Continue Reading

Are Carbon Taxes a Good Idea? Happer and Everett versus Hartley

The Global Warming Policy Foundation recently published a paper which argued in favor of carbon taxes as the economically optimal way to address global warming. CO2 Coalition Chairman Dr. Will Happer and Director Dr. Bruce Everett take exception to this analysis. Why carbon taxes are a bad idea. The authors conclude that CO2 has: • no impact on human and animal health, •… Continue Reading

An Assessment of the Conventional Global Warming Narrative

by Richard Lindzen Technical paper 5, The Global Warming Policy Foundation Abstract The one-dimensional picture of the greenhouse effect and the role of carbon dioxide in this mechanism dominates current depictions of climate and global warming. We briefly review this picture. [See attached document.] We then discuss the shortcomings of this approach in dealing with… Continue Reading

Fossil Fuels are the Greenest Energy Sources

Indur M. Goklany – August 30, 2022 Contrary to the claims of proponents of the Green New Deal and Net Zero, fossil fuels are the greenest fuels. First, uniquely among energy sources, fossil fuel use emits CO2, which is the ultimate source of the elemental building block, carbon, found in all carbon-based life, i.e., virtually… Continue Reading

A Growing Sea of Snags: North Umpqua River Wildfires, 2002-2022 – Risks and Recommendations

Bob Zybach – January 26, 2022 The September 8, 2020 Labor Day Fires in western Oregon burned nearly a million acres of land in a three-day period, killed 11 people, destroyed more than 4,000 homes, polluted the air with toxic smoke for nearly two weeks and killed millions of native wildlife. Of these amounts, the… Continue Reading

Technical Details of Coral Cover Statistics, and Background

By Peter Ridd – August 4, 2022 Since 1986, the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) surveys roughly 100 of the 3000 coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Ridd used this data to construct the coral cover since 1986 (Figure 1) which shows that the GBR has record high coral cover. Figure 1:… Continue Reading

The Two-Degree Limit

Author: Andy May | Published: Andy May Petrophysicist | Date: 19 July 2022 For decades We have been told that we must not let global warming exceed two degrees Celsius above the “pre-industrial” global average temperature. Recently the IPCC lowered this limit to 1.5°C. In the latest IPCC report, called AR6, pre-industrial is defined as before 1750, but… Continue Reading

The SEC and Climate Change

Andy May – 28 June 2022 The U.S. Constitution was finally approved in 1787, after much debate. It reserved a specific list of powers for the federal government and the first ten amendments, or the “Bill of Rights,” reserved many powers for the citizens and states. The Bill of Rights imposed clear limitations on the… Continue Reading

CO2 Sample Spacing in Ice Cores

Renee Hannon – 24 June 2022 Introduction This post examines sample spacing for CO2 measurements in Antarctic ice cores during the past 800,000 years to better understand if gaps in sampling are too large to capture centennial fluctuations. The IPCC states: “Although ice core records present low-pass filtered time series due to gas diffusion and gradual… Continue Reading

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