by Gordon Tomb – December 30, 2021 TUNKHANNOCK, PA —Those declaring the decline of fossil fuels as a done deal should check in with Lackawanna College’s School of Petroleum and Natural Gas (PNG). Students here are looking forward to life-long careers. “It baffles me,” says Wyoming County Commissioner Thomas Henry, commenting on the popular media’s… Continue Reading
by Patrick Moore, PhD – December 30, 2021 Among the silliest claims in the “climate emergency” narrative is that forest fires are getting more severe due to “climate change”. This has been bolstered by one of the most flagrant examples of data manipulation in the entire climate scam. Until quite recently the U.S. Forest Service… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj – December 29, 2021 The coming cold of winter is being paired with “green-inspired” energy policies that have created higher energy prices and fuel shortages. Historically, winters have been big killers. But centuries of innovation made us more resilient to the cold as we fully utilized the naturally available fossil fuels to… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj – December 28, 2021 At a time when the global media narrative is dominated by fossil fuels and renewables, countries in Asia have been commissioning an increasing number of nuclear plants, contrary to many European countries and the U.S. With a string of new approvals in recent years, the future of energy… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj – December 17, 2021 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s explosive comments are not surprising to anyone who has been closely observing the opposition of India and China to western pressure for adopting climate polices contrary to the two countries’ economic objectives. “The colonial mindset hasn’t gone,” said Modi at a Constitution Day… Continue Reading
Gregory Wrightstone – December 12, 2021 President Joe Biden wasted no time in politicizing the recent tornado tragedy that claimed nearly 100 lives in Kentucky, Illinois, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Missouri. Speaking less than 24 hours after the devastation of communities and lives, Biden linked the storms to man-made climate change. “All I know is that… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj – December 11, 2021 It has been a tough time for the U.S. energy sector with gas prices soaring and heating bills expected to do the same. President Biden has blamed OPEC for not producing oil at a faster pace and appears to be pleading with countries to release more oil. However,… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj – December 8, 2021 India and China have come together to resist the common enemy of carbon imperialism despite a sour relationship that has included a deadly border skirmish. At the COP26 climate meeting in Glasgow, leaders from the developed West were hellbent on imposing on developing nations harsher measures to reduce… Continue Reading
By Norman Rogers – November 27,2021 Climate change prophecy hangs its hat on computer climate models. The models have gigantic problems. According to Kevin Trenberth, once in charge of modeling at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, “[None of the] models correspond even remotely to the current observed climate [of the Earth].” The models can’t properly… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj – CO2 Coalition Research Associate India and China have come together to resist the common enemy of carbon imperialism despite a sour relationship that has included a deadly border skirmish. At the COP26 climate meeting in Glasgow, leaders from the developed West were hellbent on imposing on developing nations harsher measures to… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj – CO2 Coalition Research Associate As hosts of the Glasgow COP26 climate conference, U.K. leaders were models for the meeting’s steady stream of misinformation and fearmongering that came from the likes of Barack Obama and Greta Thunberg. “The clock on the doomsday device is still ticking, but we’ve got a bomb disposal… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj – CO2 Coalition Research Associate Exaggeration of weather events to sell climate crisis is not something new. In the case of a Sky News account of flooding in one Indian city, my own observations — backed up by independent data — are absolutely contrary to the news report. Chennai — my home… Continue Reading
by Dr. Patrick Moore ” A huge, swirling pile of trash in the Pacific Ocean is growing faster than expected and is now three times the size of France. According to a three-year study published in Scientific Reports Friday, the mass known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is about 1.6 million square kilometers in… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj – November 12, 2021 Mainstream media is infamous for its exaggeration of everyday events. When it comes to the issue of climate change, it rarely misses an opportunity to promote fear. True to form, during the ongoing COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, media promoted incorrect information spewed by politicians and famous personalities.… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj On COP26’s first day, India’s Prime Minister Modi announced that the world’s second largest coal consumer would become Net Zero by 2070 — a commitment that means almost nothing given realities of the subcontinent’s dependence on fossil fuels to meet the energy needs of 1.3 billion people. Though Modi’s efforts were praised… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj – November 5, 2021 As world leaders meet this week at Glasgow for COP26, real-life data such as cold weather and increasing sea ice hints at the falseness of their faux climate crises. Residents of Delhi, for instance, are bracing for another cold winter after the country’s meteorological department forecasted below-normal temperatures… Continue Reading
COP26 — the upcoming global gala gathering of climate elite — appears headed for a grand failure as key countries making up nearly 40% of the world’s population either spurn the meeting outright or act on the realities of their own circumstances. India has demanded from developed countries $100 billion a year in aid to… Continue Reading
Renee Hannon – October 29, 2021 Introduction This post compares CO2 data from Antarctic ice cores during the Holocene interglacial period with other publicly available CO2 datasets. Antarctic CO2 is regarded as the gold standard for paleo-atmospheric global CO2 during past interglacial and glacial periods. Antarctic CO2 data does capture the multi-millennial underlying trend; however,… Continue Reading
Vijay Jayaraj The wheels of the Net Zero bandwagon always were wobbly but now appear to be falling off altogether with leaders of China and Russia saying their countries won’t be represented at the COP26 at Glasgow this week. For Western climate alarmists, the absence of the two countries could be a lethal blow to… Continue Reading
by Richard S. Lindzen – October 19,2021 Many of the world’s leaders appear to believe that emissions of carbon dioxide (CO₂) constitute an existential threat whose impact is already severe and will become impossible to deal with within a very few years. This has resulted in a number of international agreements, beginning with the Rio… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj In this age of green craze, the most likely response to legitimate concerns about the lack of access to energy for the world’s poor is advocacy for so-called renewable technologies such as wind turbines and solar panels. As embarrassing as that suggestion should be to the advocate of such unreliable and impractical… Continue Reading
By Norman Rogers – October 20, 2021 The government and big financial institutions promote a fraudulent analysis of the cost of solar and wind electricity. Their narrative is that wind and solar are competitive with traditional fossil fuels and that the cost of wind and solar is rapidly dropping. Academics and the media amplify and… Continue Reading
ExxonMobil’s Neglected Shareholders By Bruce Everett – CO2 Coalition Director On May 26, over the objection of company management, two new directors were elected to ExxonMobil’s 12-member board. The Washington Post called it a “ratification of shareholders’ unhappiness with the way the company had been addressing climate change and its lagging financial performance.” Not really.… Continue Reading
By Norman Rogers – May 20, 2021 Bill Gates has written a book: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. Unfortunately, the book is a disaster. He doesn’t get past the introduction before making mistakes that negate the rest of the book. He claims Carbon Dioxide emissions must be reduced to zero to avoid a climate… Continue Reading