
European Energy Crisis Product of Unacknowledged Policy Failures

By Vijay Jayaraj Electricity prices in the European market have reached unprecedented levels, rendering millions with an uncertain future. Though the Ukraine-Russia conflict and the subsequent ban of Russian gas has been blamed for the ongoing crisis, the real reason for the catastrophe is the embrace of green policies by leaders who refuse to acknowledge… Continue Reading

Corruption of Climate Science Supported by Flawed Models

Gregory Wrightstone – August 20, 2022 Imagine the theory of gravity being determined by a partisan vote. Or a group of politicians ruling on interpretations of the laws of modern physics. Bizarre as those propositions sound, that is what is happening in climate science. Scientific research is done predominantly in academia, where truth is supposedly… Continue Reading

The Great Barrier Reef Is Doing Great; People Should Know

by Dr. Peter Ridd – August 11, 2022 Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is, well, great. But the popular media won’t report this good news, so I will. The GBR is made up of approximately 3,000 reefs covering an area nearly the size of California off Australia’s eastern coast. The condition of its coral is… Continue Reading

Fact checking the fact checkers

Gregory Wrightstone – May 27, 2021 What Climate Feedback gets wrong in its attempted takedown of CO2 Coalition commentary On Earth Day of 2021, the Washington Times published an op-ed that I wrote titled “There is no climate emergency – We love CO2 and so should you.” Not long after publication, the paper’s Facebook post… Continue Reading

It’s hot. It’s late July. It’s not abnormal

By Joseph D’Aleo – July 23, 2022 Nearly every area of the mid-latitudes will see summer heat during the high sun angle summer months. Some years the extremes are greater and more persistent than other years. Ocean temperature patterns, solar drivers and local factors including soil moisture, and foehn wind events play a key role in… Continue Reading

Pat Michaels (1950 – 2022)

It is with a heavy heart that we report on the death of dear friend and colleague Pat Michaels on July 15, 2022 (born February 15, 1950). Patrick Michaels obtained a B. A. in biological science in 1971 and an M. S. in biology in 1975 from the University of Chicago, and in 1979 he… Continue Reading

EPA loses – America Wins

Victory for citizens and businesses alike In what is likely the most damaging setback ever dealt to those advocating for overzealous enforcement actions against greenhouse gas emissions, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of constitutional limitations on unelected regulators. This morning SCOTUS ruled in favor of the plaintiff states in WV… Continue Reading

Shunning Reliable Energy Sources Increases Energy Poverty

Derrick Hollie and Vijay Jayaraj – May 26, 2022 Many Americans have felt inflation’s sting as it climbs to 8.5% — the highest level in over 40 years. This has increased the cost in housing, heating, food and everyday expenses — causing many to live paycheck-to-paycheck while others look for creative ways to cut cost wherever… Continue Reading

Ethanol: a dumb idea or a crime — or both?

by Gregory Wrightstone – May 27, 2022 Expanded use of ethanol — enabled by President Biden’s lifting a summertime ban on fuels with a 15 percent blend — is a poor answer to high gasoline prices and a refusal to recognize the failures of the corn-based fuel additive. Reuters described the president’s action a win… Continue Reading

Biased Reporting Overheats Climate Fear, Ignores Cold

By Vijay Jayaraj – May 23, 2022 It was a cold May night for many in the city of Bengaluru, India.  The mercury dipped to 52 degrees Fahrenheit, a low not witnessed during the last 50 years. The same week, some Indian cities made global headlines not for unusual cold but for extreme heat. Followers… Continue Reading

Dear Elon, It’s Time for Energy Freedom — Now!

By Vijay Jayaraj – May 16, 2022 Dear Elon, It is heartening to witness your commitment to protecting freedom of speech in our world. Despite backlash from the far left, you’ve gone ahead and bought Twitter. Like millions, I too greatly admire the pace at which SpaceX has developed and the advanced AI technology that… Continue Reading

EVs on Fire! Electric Utopia Takes a Deadly U-Turn

By Vijay Jayaraj – May 8, 2022 Electric vehicles have been pushed hard as a solution to the world’s faux climate emergency, but in India they have turned into killing machines.  Many EV bikes and scooters have been bursting into flames across the country. The frequency of such incidents has increased considerably since spring 2022.… Continue Reading

America’s Natural Gas Juggernaut

By Gregory Wrightstone – April 12, 2022 America can fuel the world’s needs for clean-burning natural gas for many decades and have plenty left over for our own domestic requirements. The vast majority of our nation’s undeveloped gas supply is found in the Appalachian Basin of the eastern United States. The size of the resource… Continue Reading

Blood on the blades: are thousands of dead bald eagles too high a price to pay for “clean” energy

By Gregory Wrightstone Last week the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that they had sentenced ESI Energy for a “blatant disregard” of federal wildlife laws of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). In their guilty plea to multiple violations, ESI admitted to the killing of at least 150 bald and golden eagles across 50… Continue Reading

How is the invasion of Ukraine related to carbon dioxide?

America’s Executive and Legislative Branches are full of ignorant politicians who need help from a 5th-grader. By the 5th grade, students have already learned that all animals and fungi consume oxygen (O2) and release carbon dioxide (CO2); conversely, all plants consume CO2 and expel O2. This is the Circle of Life; without it, our planet… Continue Reading

Attributing global warming to humans

By Andy May, March 3, 2022 By Andy May My latest book,[1] just released, is about a climate change debate between Professor David Karoly of the University of Melbourne and Professor William Happer of Princeton, emeritus. One of the most interesting debate topics was about the attribution of global warming. The host was James Barham… Continue Reading

Supreme Court should cancel the latest “witch hunt”

by Wallace Manheimer – February 24, 2022 In the 1690s mass panic at Salem, Massachusetts, led to 20 people being executed for witchcraft and 150 being jailed. Then in the 1950s, another mass panic gripped the United States and thousands of lives were wrecked as many were falsely accused of being communists. Yet another in… Continue Reading

Your honor, CO2 is not a pollutant

by Gregory Wrightstone Is carbon dioxide — two pounds of which each of us exhales daily — a pollutant? And are catastrophes increasing as a result of higher concentrations of the gas? Physics — along with a few other branches of science — says no. Nonetheless, in a landmark 2007 Supreme Court ruling, the EPA… Continue Reading

Supreme Court Must Curtail the EPA’s Regulatory Overreach Immediately

By Gregg Goodnight It is imperative that the Supreme Court stop the regulatory abuses enabled by the gross error of the 2007 ruling in Massachusetts v. EPA. This ruling has been the pretext for a vast extension of regulations by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that were never intended under the U.S. Constitution or the… Continue Reading

Judge Orders Administration to Cease Using the Social Cost of Carbon

Dr. Patrick Michaels February 11, 2022 Today, in a sweeping ruling from the Western District of Louisiana, Judge James D. Cain, Jr. ruled that the Biden administration must shelve its version of the “social cost of carbon” (SCC) for any regulatory action. Judge Cain’s ruling echoes much of what we have written in recent years—that… Continue Reading

Be Grateful for Global Warming

By Gregory Wrightstone – January 28,2022 Present-day warming has been termed a crisis, and modern economic development a cancer. But what if I told you that much of the recent advancement in human prosperity would have been impossible without the temperature increases of the last several hundred years? A key to the sustenance of any… Continue Reading

Civilization needs courageous warriors, — not pitiful, helpless giants

by Wallace Manheimer – published January 24, 2022 During a perilous time for the nation, President Nixon warned against the possibility of the U.S. becoming a “pitiful, helpless giant.” More recently the Wall Street Journal borrowed Nixon’s phrase in criticizing the U.S. failure to rescue citizens during the disastrous exit from Afghanistan. A similarly pathetic… Continue Reading

Global agency sows fear with misinformation

by Gregory Wrightstone and Kip Hansen A recent report by the World Meteorological Organization claims that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of natural disasters over the last 50 years. According to the WMO Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes (1970 – 2019), there were more… Continue Reading

Climate industrial complex left clueless as fossil fuels proliferate

By Vijay Jayaraj – January 11, 2022 It has been a little more than a month since the United Nations climate meeting at Glasgow, yet global use of fossil fuels has increased rapidly. For instance, U.S. President Joe Biden cancelled domestic oil projects and vowed to stop funding for international fossil fuel projects. But as… Continue Reading

Colorado’s Marshall Fire: Has Funding Needs Corrupted Climate Science?

By Jim Steele – published January 2, 2022 I was totally shocked to hear the claims by a fire scientist I had once admired and often quoted in my blog posts about wildfire. In a National Public Radio interview Jennifer Balch said, “Climate change has lengthened the state’s fire season.” Then she said “”Climate change… Continue Reading

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