
Proposed Wind Turbine Projects Off the Coast of DE and MD

Do you enjoy summer vacations on the east coast of the United States? Outer Banks? Rehoboth Beach? Love getting up early to view the sun rising over the ocean? We hope that you have good photos because those vistas are about to be gone forever. Giant wind turbines are soon to be deployed up and…

Hawaii Quits Coal in Bid to Fight Climate Change

HONOLULU (AP) — “The last bits of ash and greenhouse gases from Hawaii’s only remaining coal-fired power plant slipped into the environment this week when the state’s dirtiest source of electricity burned its final pieces of fuel. …In 2020, Hawaii’s Legislature passed a law banning the use of coal for energy production at the start of…

Potential Blackouts as California Energy Grid Excessively Stressed

The California Independent System Operator (ISO) issued a Heat Bulletin on Tuesday, August 30, warning that upcoming excessive heat may result in blackouts due to the stress on the energy grid. The Heat Bulletin states: “Starting tomorrow through Tuesday, California and the West are expecting extreme heat that is likely to strain the grid with…

Californians Asked to Keep AC at 78 and Nix Electric Vehicle Charges to Spare Grid

California grid operators warned residents to prepare for voluntary energy cuts and other emergency measures, such as turning down the air conditioning and forgoing electric vehicle charges, as the state braces for a period of excessive heat expected to last through Tuesday. The California Independent System Operator said in a statement it is taking measures to bring “all available resources”…

Lake Mead Low Water Levels, Part 2 – Colorado River Inflow Variations and Trend

Claims of record low water levels at Lake Mead being related to man-made climate change, CO2 Coalition member Roy Spencer points out that the record high extraction of water for human needs is the primary culprit. Apparently, it takes a lot of water to fill swimming pools and to keep a lawn green in the…

Who will argue against the planet? Climate change dogma always ignores the good news

Feature Photo : Big Blue Marble  True or not, blaming global warming for the projected decimation of [Australia’s] platypus, certain marsupial populations and, the Great Barrier Reef, has proven to be a lucrative source of funding for activists and rent-seekers. It’s also an excuse for the [Australian] federal government to institutionalise massive wealth transfers through…

‘Fuel emissions standards’ just a costly leg-up for EVs

Feature Photo : Three Models of Tesla EVs You have to hand it to the passenger motor vehicle industry – they are past masters at securing favours from governments. They have been doing it for decades – arguably it’s their core skill set. Just because we no longer produce cars here doesn’t mean that the…

‘There is No Climate Emergency’ (1,107 signatories and counting)

Feature Photo Source: WCD-version-06272215121.pdf (clintel.org) When the history of climate alarmism is written decades from now, there will be recognition about how a very able undercurrent of thought kept check on an intellectual/political/media elite declaring a dire emergency from the human influence on climate. And so more than a thousand intellectual, critical thinkers have signed…

A Truth the Climateers Simply Won’t Tolerate

Feature Photo: Australian Wombat in the Snowy Mountains The planet itself hasn’t warmed for nearly eight years, the satellites say. A Melbourne scientist friend, Geoff Sherrington, had crunched the latest data from the UAH satellites (below) and found Australia has not warmed for the past ten years – so much for the “climate emergency”. Canadian…

Germany’s Nuclear Choice: Russian Energy Crisis Forces a Reckoning

Torn between a decade-long reliance on cheap Russian gas on the one side and a sudden desperation to be energy independent in the face of the Ukraine war, Germany is now in the uncomfortable position to have neither. Until the end of this year, the last three standing nuclear power plants in Germany are scheduled…

Ocean Acidification Cut Down to Size

Shark Week has become a staple of American television. Debuting in the summer of 1988 the event has morphed into a week-long block of programming at the Discovery Channel featuring all kinds of entertaining and educational shows focusing on sharks. Hot off the heels of this year’s event, I could not help but be drawn…

Rethinking Climate Change: Are the Apocalyptic Models Wrong?

Climate activists propose that we embrace the argument that CO2 is a pollutant as an article of faith without delivering compelling evidence. Noting that CO2 warms the planet by trapping heat in the earth’s atmosphere is an inept argument because warming has positive and negative effects. The strength of the green movement is predicated on the belief that warming is a…

Forget about Climate Change; India is Booming on Coal!

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi knows that providing his citizens with reliable, inexpensive energy is one of his most important responsibilities. When launching the auction of 41 coal mines for commercial mining in June, Modi said, “Today’s auction is a win-win for all stakeholders. Industries will get new markets. State governments will get better revenues. Employment opportunities will be…

South America’s ‘lithium fields’ reveal the dark side of our electric future

Lithium extraction fields in South America have been captured by an aerial photographer in stunning high definition. But while the images may be breathtaking to look at, they represent the dark side of our swiftly electrifying world. As the lightest known metal on the planet, [lithium] is now widely used in electric devices from mobile…

Australian bank announces it will BAN loans for petrol or diesel cars in order to fight climate change and encourage electric vehicles

Customer-owned Bank Australia will stop petrol and diesel car loans from 2025. Electric vehicles this year have a minuscule 1.6 per cent market share even when Tesla sales were included, with starting prices of $47,000 and a lack of charging stations turning off many potential motorists. But the customer-owned Bank Australia wants to change that, in a…

Corruption of Climate Science Supported by Flawed Models

Imagine the theory of gravity being determined by a partisan vote. Or a group of politicians ruling on interpretations of the laws of modern physics. Bizarre as those propositions sound, that is what is happening in climate science. There are large factions of politicians and scientists committed to a baseless narrative that emissions of carbon…

Overview of the Koonin-Dessler Debate

Koonin won the Oxford Style debate since 25% of the in-person and online audience shifted to his view that the debate question: “Climate science compels us to make large and rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions” is a false statement. You should be able to view the entire debate by August 24th, I’m told, on…

The Next Alarmist Goal: Stifling Debate On ‘Green’ Energy Costs

Now progressives are moving to censorship phase two, which is shutting down debate over climate ‘solutions.’ Progressives first demanded that social-media platforms silence critics of climate alarmism. Now White House national climate adviser Gina McCarthy wants them to censor content on the costs of forced ‘green-energy’ transition. A few years ago, Facebook enlisted third-party paid-to-lie…

AP-NORC poll: Many in US doubt their own impact on climate

Americans are less concerned now about how climate change might impact them personally — and about how their personal choices affect the climate — than they were three years ago, a new poll shows[.] Overall, 35% of U.S. adults say they are “extremely” or “very” concerned about the impact of climate change on them personally,…

Apocalyptic vs Post-apocalyptic Climate Politics

Climate change is indeed an “insufficient” crisis. Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations (1776) points the way towards a post-apocalyptic climate politics. “We address ourselves not to their humanity but to their self-love and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages”. There is growing support for a climate politics…

The Koonin-Dessler Debate

The debate I announced here between Steve Koonin and Andy Dessler took place Monday August 15th, it was very educational and illuminating. I will try and write more about it in a few days. In short Andy Dessler said that economic models suggest that climate change is a negative for human civilization and not positive at all.…

Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom

Hello, my name is Patrick Moore and I’m going to talk to you about my new book “Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom”. I know that sounds a little bit sensational, but I think you’ll agree with me that it’s a good title for this book. It is a ground breaking book that postulates…

The Church Of Climate Change

When you look at climate alarmists, there are really only two options: they either don’t know what they’re talking about, or they’re lying. The “Little Boy Who Cried ‘Wolf’”-like cries of “existential threats” brought on by climate change would be hilarious, if it wasn’t for the disastrous impact from misguided actions to “fix” the problem.…

Average temperature flat for the past decade: Satellite data shows

According to the UAH temperature satellites that have been criss-crossing the continent for 40 years, Australia shows no warming for precisely the past decade. And globally, UAH satellite readings to end-of-June show no warming for seven years and 10 months. The ground-based HadCRUT series likewise shows no warming for 86 months. Authored by Tony Thomas and…

Governing Elites Pushing To Slash Emissions Are Disconnected From Reality, Experts Say

Governments have adopted sweeping emissions-reduction legislation in recent months that could have devastating consequences on the agricultural sector, as elites’ ignorance of economic realities fuels a myopic pursuit of the climate agenda, according to experts. “The decision-makers are so far up the food chain, pardon the pun, that they are literally clueless about what it…

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