
Scientific Paper Concludes Refrigerants’ Gases Pose No Threat to Climate

A paper by two members of the CO2 Coalition, Arlington, Virginia, suggests that the promoters of man-made warming in the international community are promoting the expenditure of large sums of money on replacing certain refrigerants whose capacity to warm the atmosphere is of little consequence. The authors are Drs. William van Wijngaarden, formerly chairman of… Continue Reading

Van Wijngaarden and Happer: 2n-Stream Radiative Transfer

The understanding of Earth’s climate depends to a large extent on our knowledge of radiative transfer processes in the atmosphere. Short wavelength radiation in the visible range from the sun enters the atmosphere and finds its way to the surface to warm it. Long wavelength radiation in the infrared range is emitted from the surface… Continue Reading

A Primer on Carbon Dioxide and Climate

Introduction The public requires an informed, dispassionate discussion of how our planet will be affected by CO2 released from the combustion of fossil fuel and other sources. In a white paper, entitled Carbon Dioxide Benefits the World: See for Yourself the CO2 Coalition, a new and independent non-profit organization summarized the scientific case that additional CO2 will be... Continue Reading

Fundamentals of Ocean pH

R. Cohen and W. Happer – September 18, 2015 (republished November 21, 2021) 1 Introduction We are often told that the CO2 released from burning fossil fuels will cause dangerous ocean acidification. Actually the oceans will remain comfortably alkaline and hospitable to life for the foreseeable future. This brief note is a quantitative review of… Continue Reading

Climate Change and Health

This white paper summarizes the views of the CO2 Coalition, an independent non-profit organization that seeks to engage thought leaders, policy makers, and the public in an informed, dispassionate discussion of how our planet will be affected by carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions... Continue Reading

New-tech American Coal-fired Electricity for Africa: Clean Air, Indoors and Out

Introduction Human health, morbidity, mortality and longevity are significantly impacted by climate. This review examines the evidence for past, present and possible future health impacts of climate change on disease and disease vectors, on extreme weather events, floods, droughts, heatwaves and wildfires, on food and famine, and on social and mental health. It will also... Continue Reading

Do Government Policies Favoring Fossil Fuels Hamper the Development of Wind and Solar Power?

By Bruce Everett Ph.D. Executive Summary A number of studies claim that pervasive subsidies provide an unfair competitive advantage to fossil fuels over renewable energy. Many estimates have been made of the value of direct and indirect subsidies provided to fossil fuels, the most extreme being the 2015 study by the International Monetary Fund estimating... Continue Reading

Ocean Health – Is there an “Acidification” problem?

The CO2 Coalition of climate scientists today released a White Paper analyzing decades of peer-reviewed research on the impact on the oceans of carbon dioxide emissions from the conversion of fossil fuels to energy.  Ocean Health – Is there an “Acidification”  problem? concludes that CO2 is an important plankton food that enriches sea life, and that the term “ocean acidification” is highly misleading.... Continue Reading

The Social Cost of Carbon and Carbon Taxes – Pick a number, any number

The Social Cost of Carbon and Carbon Taxes – Pick a number, any number From the Executive Summary Leaving aside its scientific and economic uncertainties, the government’s Social Cost of Carbon is so sensitive to input assumptions that small, quite reasonable variations can produce almost any price you wish. As a result it is not… Continue Reading

What Rising CO2 Means for Global Food Security

Plant production has been boosted, the need for water and fertilizer has been brought down, and field experiments show that these effects are likely to increase in coming decades.... Continue Reading

Does the World Need Climate Insurance? The Best Scientific and Economic Evidence Says NO

The present white paper is the first in a new ongoing series of special studies examining how CO2 helps our world now and in the future. This analysis considers a major question raised by many people: “If there is uncertainty about the impacts of more CO2 in the atmosphere, shouldn’t we buy insurance?”... Continue Reading

Carbon Dioxide Benefits the World: See for Yourself

Introduction Human health, morbidity, mortality and longevity are significantly impacted by climate. This review examines the evidence for past, present and possible future health impacts of climate change on disease and disease vectors, on extreme weather events, floods, droughts, heatwaves and wildfires, on food and famine, and on social and mental health. It will also... Continue Reading

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