
European Energy Crisis Product of Unacknowledged Policy Failures

By Vijay Jayaraj Electricity prices in the European market have reached unprecedented levels, rendering millions with an uncertain future. Though the Ukraine-Russia conflict and the subsequent ban of Russian gas has been blamed for the ongoing crisis, the real reason for the catastrophe is the embrace of green policies by leaders who refuse to acknowledge… Continue Reading

Shunning Reliable Energy Sources Increases Energy Poverty

Derrick Hollie and Vijay Jayaraj – May 26, 2022 Many Americans have felt inflation’s sting as it climbs to 8.5% — the highest level in over 40 years. This has increased the cost in housing, heating, food and everyday expenses — causing many to live paycheck-to-paycheck while others look for creative ways to cut cost wherever… Continue Reading

Dear Elon, It’s Time for Energy Freedom — Now!

By Vijay Jayaraj – May 16, 2022 Dear Elon, It is heartening to witness your commitment to protecting freedom of speech in our world. Despite backlash from the far left, you’ve gone ahead and bought Twitter. Like millions, I too greatly admire the pace at which SpaceX has developed and the advanced AI technology that… Continue Reading

India and China Set Aside Differences to Resist Carbon Imperialism

By Vijay Jayaraj – CO2 Coalition Research Associate India and China have come together to resist the common enemy of carbon imperialism despite a sour relationship that has included a deadly border skirmish. At the COP26 climate meeting in Glasgow, leaders from the developed West were hellbent on imposing on developing nations harsher measures to… Continue Reading

Energy Poverty is Not an Option for India’s 360 Million Poor

By:  CO2 Coalition Research Associate Vijay Jayaraj September 22, 2021 The global call to impose climate shutdowns akin to the COVID-19 lockdowns fails to recognize that there are millions of poor people for whom there is no room to compromise on energy liberty. Political organizations like the World Economic Forum see the pandemic-driven economic pause… Continue Reading

Millions in Africa Being Sacrificed at the Alter of Green Energy

By Gregory Wrightstone – CO2 Coalition Executive Director Obama-era policies that favor so-called green energy over coal-fired  electricity are dooming millions of Africans to lives of extreme  poverty, environmental degradation, and increased risk of early death,  according to a new analysis by the CO2 Coalition. The study by the Arlington, Virginia-based coalition of 60 climate… Continue Reading

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