
Winter is Coming – And it Will be Horrific

Gregory Wrightstone “Winter is Coming” is the motto of the House Stark in HBO’s wildly popular “Game of Thrones,” referring to the looming deep cold that will be accompanied by terror and death. George R. R. Martin’s fictional account has a real-world counterpart that will confront humanity at some time in the not too distant… Continue Reading

I Love Carbon Dioxide and You Should Too

Gregory Wrightstone The demonization of the “miracle molecule,” carbon dioxide, continued last week with the announcement that its concentration had reached 410 parts per million (ppm). Nearly all reporting of this noted that this was the highest level in 800,000 years and predicted a host of associated climate calamities. While the current concentration of this… Continue Reading

Fire facts foil climate fraud

Gregory Wrightstone – November 28, 2018 The 4th National Climate Assessment (NCA) released Friday, November 23rd was a hodge-podge of cherry-picked data, outright lies and scare-mongering at its worst.  It predicts the premature deaths of tens of thousands from the effects of climate change, including deaths from starvation, mosquito-borne illnesses, extreme heat, flooding and other natural disasters.… Continue Reading

How green is my planet?

Gregory Wrightstone The revelation this week that CO2 had just reached 410 ppm is just the most recent negative climate “tipping point” being reached.  This news was accompanied by the usual links to future apocalyptic warming events and predictions of the Earth spiraling into planetary doom.  According to the self-proclaimed guardians of the Earth, we… Continue Reading

A Pennsylvania Commission Banned Wind Energy. Here’s Why

This month, the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) voted unanimously to ban wind turbines on the 1.5 million acres it controls. Fully five percent  of the Commonwealth’s land is managed by the PGC, yet no commercial wind  project had ever been approved. There has been no development in  spite of the fact that the land’s many… Continue Reading

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