
Net-zero Reality Check #3 – PV Solar

(This is the third of five articles, using published data and simple logic, to demonstrate that net-zero carbon is unattainable by 2050 with wind, solar or nuclear, or a combination of these methods for power generation.) This analysis reflects ONLY United States energy demand and production by source. The critical issue addressed in these studies… Continue Reading

Net-zero Reality Check #2 – Nuclear only

Donn Dears – June 10, 2022 (This is the second of five articles, using published data and simple logic, to demonstrate net-zero carbon is unattainable by 2050 with wind, solar or nuclear, or a combination of these methods for power generation.) This analysis reflects ONLY United States energy demand and production by source. The critical… Continue Reading

Net-zero Reality Check #1 – Wind Only

Donn Dears – June 10, 2022 (This is the first of four articles, using published data and simple logic, to demonstrate net-zero carbon is unattainable by 2050 with wind, solar or nuclear, or a combination of these methods for power generation.) This analysis reflects ONLY United States energy demand and production by source. The critical… Continue Reading

Why Human Contribution to Climate Change is Minimal and Negligible

Why Human Contribution to Climate Change is Minimal and Negligible by Rolf D. Reitz Emeritus Wisconsin Distinguished Professor University of Wisconsin-Madison Abstract More than 80% of mankind’s energy is supplied by fossil fuels.  However, several cities are considering banning fossil-fuels and the machines that use them, which are even being blamed for all manner of… Continue Reading

How many km2 of solar panels in Spain and how much battery backup would it take to power Germany

Written by: Dr. Lars Schernikau and Prof. William H. Smith 1. Abstract Germany is responsible for about 2% of global annual CO2 emis- sions from energy. To match Germany’s electricity demand (or over 15% of EU’s electricity demand) solely from solar photovoltaic pan- els located in Spain, about 7% of Spain would have to be… Continue Reading

2022 Monarch Butterfly Report: A Mystery

News Brief by Kip Hansen – 21 March 2022 The magical marvelous Monarch Butterfly is surging – they are ramping up – populations numbers are skyrocketing!  That is to say, according to Monarch censuses, the numbers of migrating Monarchs overwintering in both the Western Migration and the Eastern Migration have vastly improved over last year. Monarch… Continue Reading

Northern and Southern Hemisphere Warming

By Andy May – March 13, 2022 It is common for the news media and consensus scientists to report global average surface temperatures without mentioning that both the warming rate and average temperatures vary a lot around the Earth over one year. For example, Earth’s global average surface temperature varies about 7° F every year.… Continue Reading

Satellite and Surface Temperatures

By Andy May – March 13, 2022 In the Great Climate Change Debate between Professor David Karoly and Professor Will Happer, Glenn Tamblyn was called upon to finish the consensus side of the debate after Karoly backed out. The details are described in my latest book. The debate contained an illuminating exchange of opinions on… Continue Reading

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