CO2 Coalition Member Dr. Richard Lindzen was recently interviewed on The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast. The following is a brief overview: Peterson noted the meritorious accomplishments of Dr. Richard Lindzen, and before proceeding with the interview stated: “The first thing we’re going to determine before we dive into the topic at hand is why it… Continue Reading
CO2 Coalition Member Dr. Richard Lindzen offers his keen perspective of climate science in a recent interview with podcast host Tom Nelson. Continue Reading
You can find out more about CO2 Coalition Member Dr. Richard Lindzen, Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, here. Continue Reading
William Happer, Richard Lindzen and CO2 Coalition comment on the 4th National Climate Assessment
Publication: Scientific paper in response to USGCRP Decadal Strategic Plan 2022-2031 | Authors: William Happer, Richard Lindzen & Gregory Wrightstone | Date: 22 July 2022 Happer-Lindzen-CO2C-USGCRP-NCA-7-22-22(1) I. SUMMARY On May 26, 2022, the United States Global Change Research Program (“USGCRP”) explained it is developing a Decadal Strategic Plan 2022-31 and indicated they are focusing on three scientific… Continue Reading
Comment and Declaration on the SEC’s Proposed Rule “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors,” William Happer, Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Princeton University Richard Lindzen, Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 17, 2022 Comment and Declaration Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed… Continue Reading
By Richard S. Lindzen CO2 Coalition note: This paper, originally published in 2008 was prepared for a symposium at Yale University and suffered a very unusual publication history. Dr. Lindzen had provided ResearchGate with an amended version that included an explanatory introduction, the inserted rebuttal by Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf (that was very different from what… Continue Reading
Richard Lindzen is Director of the CO2 Coalition, an American atmospheric physicist known for his work in the dynamics of the middle atmosphere, atmospheric tides, and ozone photochemistry. He has published more than 200 scientific papers and books. From 1983 until his retirement in 2013, he was Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the… Continue Reading
2018 Annual GWPF Lecture – Prof Richard Lindzen – Global Warming For The Two Cultures Dr. Richard Lindzen addresses the Global Warming Policy Foundation’s 2018 Annual Meeting. Continue Reading
By Richard Lindzen Image via MIT atmospheric science professor Richard Lindzen suggests that many claims regarding climate change are exaggerated and unnecessarily alarmist. For over 30 years, I have been giving talks on the science of climate change. When, however, I speak to a non-expert audience, and attempt to explain such matters as climate sensitivity,… Continue Reading
William Happer, Steven E. Koonin and Richard S. Lindzen’s Response to Judge William H. Alsup’s Tutorial Questions
The Court has invited a tutorial on global warming and climate change, which is set to occur March 21, 2018. The Court also identified specific questions to be addressed at the tutorial. Pursuant to Civil L.R. 7-11, Professors William Happer, Steven E. Koonin, and Richard S. Lindzen respectfully ask the Court to accept their presentation… Continue Reading
CO2 Coalition Member Prof Richard Lindzen was a guest on the Philip Davies YouTube channel @drphilipdavies discussing his work on IPCC and his concern for the mistaken narrative of Climate Alarmism and the way it will lead to the suffering of many. Continue Reading
In 2009, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, under the auspices of the Clean Air Act, falsely determined that carbon dioxide was a pollutant. This is known as the Endangerment Finding and has been used since then to enable EPA to regulate and control CO2 emissions. It is this authority that is being used… Continue Reading
Lindzen, Happer & CO2 Coalition Comment on the CFTC Climate-Related Financial Risk
On August 8, 2022, Richard Lindzen, William Happer and the CO2 Coalition submitted comments to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission on climate-related financial risk. Read the entire comment here: Happer Lindzen CO2C CFTC 8-7-22d Our conclusion states: In our scientific opinion as career scientists, there is no scientific basis for the CFTC inquiry. Real science… Continue Reading
Emeritus Professors of Physics William Happer and Richard Lindzen say there is “nothing bad” about increasing carbon dioxide. Continue Reading
MIT’s Dr. Lindzen Pokes Fun At The ‘Naïve’, Well-Funded ‘Scientific Reasoning’ That 1 Factor – CO2 – Controls Climate
By Kenneth Richard In a new paper, atmospheric physicist Dr. Richard Lindzen summarizes the “implausible” claims today’s proponents of dangerous anthropogenic global warming espouse. Dr. Richard Lindzen retired several years ago, and yet his immense contribution to the atmospheric sciences lives on. His research is still cited about 600 times per year. Lindzen recently published another… Continue Reading
By Richard Lindzen, Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Bill Nye looks forward to the death of skeptics in this Huffington Post essay. There is a sound basis for his wish. While the politicized climate issue dates back to the 60’s, things really took off after the Clinton-Gore administration assumed power and funding… Continue Reading
From Dr. Richard Lindzen, originally published by The American Mind: Modern political movements have not infrequently laid claim to being based in science, from immigration restriction and eugenics (in the U.S. after WWI), to antisemitism and race ideology (in Hitler’s Germany), to Communism and Lysenkoism (under Stalin). Each of these falsely invoked a scientific consensus that… Continue Reading
By Vijay Jayaraj As the presidential election nears, it is reasonable to ask why the U.S. continues to give away billions to “avert” a fabricated climate crisis to countries that have little interest in participating in the charade beyond accepting handouts. The United States has been a significant contributor to global climate initiatives, most notably… Continue Reading
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This expert opinion was filed September 10, 2024 Court of Appeals The Hague The Hague The Netherlands Richard Lindzen Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Emeritus Massachusetts Institute of Technology William Happer Professor of Physics, Emeritus Princeton University Steven Koonin University Professor, New York University, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute Re: Shell v.… Continue Reading
By Gregory Wrightstone The science of climate change often is presented in complicated language that speaks of computer models and the theoretical inputs and outputs thereof and concludes that the globe is on the verge of “boiling.” Well, leave it to three physicists — steeped in calculus and such arcane matters as the behavior of… Continue Reading
Two Important Supreme Court Cases Strongly Support the CO2 Coalition’s Supreme Court Strategy
July 14, 2024 Two recent Supreme Court cases validate the CO2 Coalition’s Supreme Court Strategy to file comments that can be used in briefings by those challenging various Net Zero regulations in the Courts of Appeal and then the Supreme Court. Coalition comments were filed by Drs. William Happer (Princeton) and Richard Lindzen (MIT) in… Continue Reading
Net Zero Policies Will Have a Trivial Effect on Temperature, But Disastrous Effects on People Worldwide
Richard Lindzen Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Emeritus Massachusetts Institute of Technology William Happer Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Princeton University Net Zero Policies Will Have a Trivial Effect on Temperature, But Disastrous Effects on People Worldwide July 19, 2024 The United States and countries worldwide are vigorously pursuing regulations and subsidies to reduce… Continue Reading
By Lee Gerhard Climate scientists would be less likely to issue dire warnings of planetary doom if they gave more credence to the geological history of the past several million years. Instead, they rely on computer models that are biased by the preconceptions of their manipulators and incapable of accounting for the myriad factors influencing… Continue Reading
Paper prepared by Richard Lindzen, William Happer, Steven Koonin and submitted April 16, 2024. Summary provided below and the entire paper can be accessed here: Lindzen Happer Koonin climate science 4-24. THERE WILL BE DISASTROUS CONSEQUENCES FOR THE POOR, PEOPLE WORLDWIDE, FUTURE GENERATIONS AND THE WEST IF FOSSIL FUELS, CO2 AND OTHER GHG EMISSIONS ARE… Continue Reading