
Facebook Censorship due to a Science Feedback “Fact Check”

By Andy May Facebook’s censorship is totally out of hand, and their “independent and nonpartisan fact checks” are anything but. Now they are censoring “Climate: The Movie.” The supposed “fact checks” provided by Science Feedback and Climate Feedback (they are two branches of the same organization) have been shown many times to be both partisan… Continue Reading

Don’t Get The Idea That Internet Censorship Is Diminishing

From Francis Menton, CO2 Coalition member and editor/publisher of the Manhattan Contrarian and excerpted from his July 3, 2022 blog post. Greg Wrightstone, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition, sends along some truly shocking information about ongoing big tech censorship of the climate debate. Things may have improved at Twitter over the past few months,… Continue Reading

Is Instagram Afraid of Truth?

By Rachel Kennedy – February 22, 2022 The censorship saga continues with tech giant Instagram targeting the CO2 Coalition, thereby preventing the organization from creating an account within their platform. This is the most recent in a slew of harassment and shadow banning attempts beginning in 2020 by Instagram’s wicked stepsisters: Facebook and LinkedIn. In… Continue Reading

Meet the Climate Scientists Censors Don’t Want You to Know

By: Gregory Wrighstone  Before the Hunter Biden/New York Post/Twitter imbroglio blew up a little more than one week ago, one of the primary  targets of social media censors and left-leaning activists was a small  nonprofit operating out of Arlington, Virginia. That group is the CO2 Coalition,  formed in 2015 to educate policymakers and the public about climate  change… Continue Reading

LinkedIn Shuts Out Diverse Views

By: Gregory Wrightstone  If you think that the Microsoft-owned social media platform LinkedIn is just about professional and business connections with no politics, you would be wrong. The online service appears now to be emulating its bigger social media rivals at Facebook, Google and Twitter in censoring views with which it disagrees. My second run-in with… Continue Reading

Facts vs. “Fact-checkers”: Facebook’s Needless Censorship of Climate Science

Statement for the Record U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Hearing on Censorship of Science October 28, 2020 Facts vs. “Fact-checkers”: Facebook’s Needless Censorship of Climate Science and Energy Economics Submitted by Dr. Caleb Stewart Rossiter Executive Director, CO2 Coalition Chairman Wicker, Ranking Member Cantwell, and Members of the Committee: Thank you for… Continue Reading

Response of the CO2 Coalition to calls for Facebook censorship

Response of the CO2 Coalition to calls for Facebook censorship Statement by CO2 Coalition Chair Patrick Moore and Executive Director Caleb Stewart Rossiter on the Abrams-Steyer letter asking Facebook to shut down the Coalition’s page and censor its articles on other pages Climate Power 2020 recently published a letter signed by former gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, former… Continue Reading

Patrick Moore: I was banned from speaking in Regina over this alternative CO2 point of view

Patrick Moore: I was banned from speaking in Regina over this alternative CO2 point of view There is no doubt in my mind that on balance our CO2 emissions are 100 per cent positive for the continuation of life on Earth Late last Friday I was deplatformed for the first time in my 45 years… Continue Reading

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