
Is Instagram Afraid of Truth?

By Rachel Kennedy – February 22, 2022

The censorship saga continues with tech giant Instagram targeting the CO2 Coalition, thereby preventing the organization from creating an account within their platform.

This is the most recent in a slew of harassment and shadow banning attempts beginning in 2020 by Instagram’s wicked stepsisters: Facebook and LinkedIn. In the Facebook realm, shadow-banning — the inability to advertise or “boost” posts and the addition of warning labels — are all commonplace for CO2 Coalition content. For LinkedIn, not only is the removal of posts frequent, but also banning accounts. CO2 Coalition Executive Director Gregory Wrightstone’s personal account was banned. His final post predicted that he would be banned and deplatformed soon. That post was deemed “false and misleading” — and then he was banned and deplatformed!

Fast-forward to today. A clean slate and a glimmer of hope for the possibility of creating an account on Instagram — a “…diverse, global community…” committed to fostering a safe and supportive community for everyone to “…bring the world closer together…”. Sounds like an open and inviting platform for connection, right?

Everyone knows how to sign up for a social media site — with just an email, password, and a username. Following the input of this information into the system, I received a message indicating that the account must go through an evaluation that should take no more than 24 hours. “Fine,” I thought. Perhaps this is something new they are implementing to keep their site free from hazardous bots? Perhaps my username is already taken?

Following the evaluation period, I attempted to login again. Failed. This time, the message said: “Error: Your account has been disabled for violating our terms. Learn how you may be able to restore your account.” Clicking the “Learn More” tab wasn’t very helpful either, citing that we were not following their terms which included: “artificially collecting likes, followers or shares, posting repetitive content or repeatedly contacting people for commercial purposes without their consent.”

How is it possible to be in violation of Instagram’s terms and conditions, without even being able to log into the platform? Being cited for criminal behavior, without even being part of Instagram’s open and diverse echo chamber?

Which begs the question: What are they afraid of?

If it weren’t for YOU, the consumer, they would not have a successful business. If it weren’t for YOU, the questioning and discerning human, theirs would be the only viewpoint. The fact of the matter is, if it weren’t for discussion, dialogue, and those elements that truly make us human – Big Tech would be far more powerful than they are now.

At the CO2 Coalition, our group of 80+ researchers understand the importance of discussion and dialogue. With a roster of atmospheric physicists, ecologists, statisticians, climatologists, and energy experts, it is encouraged to look at climate from many points of view. It is what makes the scientific method, the scientific method.

It appears that a free-thinking society is Instagram’s worst nightmare, and the CO2 Coalition just might be a perpetual thorn in the side of Big Tech. But more importantly, a support for those who have the courage to question and a need to discover the truth.

Rachel Kennedy is the Digital & Communications Manager for the CO2 Coalition.

This commentary was first published at the American Thinker February 24, 2022

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