
NOAA Permits Wind Energy Operators to Harass and Kill Whales

By Vijay Jayaraj Wind energy is clean and green. It is the magic switch to turn off global heating. And unicorns are real. You may name your most cherished illusion among those three if you please. But it will not change the fact that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and wind energy companies… Continue Reading

Killing fields of wind energy cannot be ignored

By Vijay Jayaraj – April 12, 2022 The recent revelation of the mass killing of bald and golden eagles by a NextEra subsidiary exposed the ugly secret that nearly all wind projects share: the wanton destruction of rare and endangered species. On April 5th, in a case brought by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ),… Continue Reading

A Pennsylvania Commission Banned Wind Energy. Here’s Why

This month, the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) voted unanimously to ban wind turbines on the 1.5 million acres it controls. Fully five percent  of the Commonwealth’s land is managed by the PGC, yet no commercial wind  project had ever been approved. There has been no development in  spite of the fact that the land’s many… Continue Reading

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