
Greenpeace Betrays Founders to Peddle Junk Science

by Dr. Patrick Moore Since 2016, when acoustic sonar surveys required for construction of 1,500 wind turbines began on the U.S. Atlantic coast, 174 Humpback whales have washed ashore dead. This represents a 400 percent increase in mortalities from previous years. And then there are the highly endangered North Atlantic right whales, of which less… Continue Reading

Forest fires caused by lightning and humans, not by “climate change”

by Patrick Moore, PhD – December 30, 2021 Among the silliest claims in the “climate emergency” narrative is that forest fires are getting more severe due to “climate change”. This has been bolstered by one of the most flagrant examples of data manipulation in the entire climate scam. Until quite recently the U.S. Forest Service… Continue Reading

Biden Pushes GND As Informed Environmentalists Abandon It

By: Gregory Wrightstone – Executive Director, CO2 Coalition President Biden and others who would stake the future of modern  civilization on wind and solar technologies are ignoring former  environmental activists who have now soured on so-called green energy.  As better-informed people increasingly turn to responsible use of fossil  fuels and nuclear power, political leaders continue… Continue Reading

Patrick Moore: De-bunking climate and other varieties of alarmism

Patrick Moore: De-bunking climate and other varieties of alarmism Moore’s new book presents 11 alleged present catastrophes or threats of future doom and shows how claims are fake news and fake science The Great Barrier Reef is alive and well: Go and see it for yourself. The first part of that is true. The second… Continue Reading

Response of the CO2 Coalition to calls for Facebook censorship

Response of the CO2 Coalition to calls for Facebook censorship Statement by CO2 Coalition Chair Patrick Moore and Executive Director Caleb Stewart Rossiter on the Abrams-Steyer letter asking Facebook to shut down the Coalition’s page and censor its articles on other pages Climate Power 2020 recently published a letter signed by former gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, former… Continue Reading

Dr. Patrick Moore & Dr. Caleb Rossiter Rebut Wash Post: Oops! Climate Change Actually NOT the Cause of Coastal Flooding

Dr. Patrick Moore & Dr. Caleb Rossiter Rebut Wash Post: Oops! Climate Change Actually NOT the Cause of Coastal Flooding By Patrick Moore and Caleb Stewart Rossiter Consumers of the climate religion media – which comprises pretty much every outlet from CNN leftward – should be forgiven for believing that a climate crisis requires that… Continue Reading

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