
Green delusion no path to energy independence

By Gregory Wrightstone – March 14, 2022 When President Biden says that the U.S. will become energy independent by way of programs like the Green New Deal, perhaps the first question to ask is, “Does that make sense?” For any thinking person cognizant of even the basic energy facts, the answer should come back, “No.”… Continue Reading

Biden Pushes GND As Informed Environmentalists Abandon It

By: Gregory Wrightstone – Executive Director, CO2 Coalition President Biden and others who would stake the future of modern  civilization on wind and solar technologies are ignoring former  environmental activists who have now soured on so-called green energy.  As better-informed people increasingly turn to responsible use of fossil  fuels and nuclear power, political leaders continue… Continue Reading

Green New Deal goes viral, and fails

By: Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition Proponents of the Green New Deal (GND) tell us that increasing human carbon dioxide emissions are fueling a dangerous rise in worldwide temperature. This temperature rise is then linked to a laundry list of climate-related catastrophes like droughts, floods and fires that are ongoing and only… Continue Reading

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