
Fossil Fuels Are the Answer to Asia’s Hot Summers

By Vijay Jayaraj Fossil fuels, often blamed for causing Asia’s hot summers due to global warming, are helping people survive the sweltering heat! Yes, coal-fired power plants, despite their caricature of evil by know-nothing journalists, continue to play a crucial role in ensuring energy security during challenging summers. In the densely populated metropolitan areas of… Continue Reading

Arctic’s Inuit Seek Benefits of Fossil Fuel Economy

By Vijay Jayaraj The allure of the Arctic continues to captivate imaginations with its beautiful, if sometimes forbidding, wilderness. Equally captivating to some, beneath these vast landscapes of permafrost and ice, is the economic lure of oil and gas promising economic prosperity and development. However, for the Inuit communities in Canada, Alaska and Greenland, who… Continue Reading

In Central Asia’s Brutal Winter, Fossil Fuels Trump Climate Politics

By Vijay Jayaraj Globally, winter cold kills more people than summer heat, and winter in Central Asia is no gentle visitor. Temperatures can plummet to minus 40°C (-40°F), transforming bustling cities into frozen landscapes and testing the limits of human endurance. Rich in history and diverse in geography, the region is also known for biting… Continue Reading

Fossil Fuels: Nature’s Solar Batteries

By Gregory Wrightstone As a supporter of the CO2 Coalition, you likely share our appreciation of the many benefits of CO2. But are you aware that oil, gas and coal are the direct result of nature harnessing the power of the primordial sun via the process of photosynthesis? Most realize that coal (that provided 25%… Continue Reading

Jayaraj: EVs Won’t Deliver West Freedom of Movement It’s Used To

By Vijay Jayaraj Various cities in the West have adopted “green” initiatives that might go unnoticed for the time being. One among them is carbon-free transportation through the transition from gasoline-and diesel-powered vehicles to ones propelled by electric motors. Electric vehicles (EVs) have been in the news lately for their disastrous sales numbers despite being… Continue Reading

Unreliable Green Energy Has The World Running Back To Coal And Nuclear

By Vijay Jayaraj Since an earthquake and tsunami severely damaged nuclear reactors at Fukushima, Japan has struggled with powering its economy. While the country’s initial reaction to the 2011 disaster was to abandon a once robust nuclear program, a decade later Japan is not only returning to splitting atoms and but also seeking to burn… Continue Reading

Are You Really Against Fossil Fuels? Read this Before You Answer

Copyright free pic: Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash By Vijay Jayaraj It is easy for anyone to say that they are against fossil fuels. Opposition to coal, oil and natural gas is fashionable and will prompt heads to nod and even hands to applaud in most places. But are people aware of the extent… Continue Reading

COP27: A Meaningless Ritual for China and India

by Vijay Jayaraj Last week, Greta Thunberg called the COP27 climate meeting a “scam” that provides a platform for “greenwashing, lying, and cheating.” The teenage climate activist is probably right – for a change. Many European countries that pledged at past meetings to move away from coal, oil, and natural gas have been unable to… Continue Reading

The world is transitioning to fossil fuels

Global coal demand will reach a historic high in 2022 by Vijay Jayaraj Despite the fanfare surrounding wind and solar, the world’s dependency on fossil fuels is increasing. Last week, Saudi Aramco CEO Amin Nasser said that the world is now “transitioning to coal.” Saad al-Kaabi, Qatar‘s energy minister, says: “Many countries particularly in Europe which had been… Continue Reading

Fossil Fuels Are the Greenest of Energy Sources

by Gregory Wrightstone A 35-year veteran of the global warming debate says fossil fuels are the “greenest” of energy sources. In a recently published paper, Dr. Indur Goklany notes that carbon dioxide emissions from industrial activity and transportation have increased plant growth and that fertilizers and pesticides derived from fossil fuels have boosted crop yields… Continue Reading

Shunning Reliable Energy Sources Increases Energy Poverty

Derrick Hollie and Vijay Jayaraj – May 26, 2022 Many Americans have felt inflation’s sting as it climbs to 8.5% — the highest level in over 40 years. This has increased the cost in housing, heating, food and everyday expenses — causing many to live paycheck-to-paycheck while others look for creative ways to cut cost wherever… Continue Reading

Climate Colonialists Disrupt African Pipeline, Perpetuate Poverty

By Vijay Jayaraj – April 28, 2022 Climate activists’ ill-founded opposition to fossil fuels threatens to stop a major pipeline project in East Africa and stymie economic growth in Uganda and Tanzania — home to some of the world’s poorest people. Uganda is betting big on its fossil fuel reserves. In February, China National Offshore… Continue Reading

…America’s LNG Export Potential…

By Donn Dears – April 12, 2022 The current status of natural gas production, consumption and exports is in a state of flux brought about by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  How much LNG has the United States exported, and can the US play a leading role going forward? The US produced 34,149 Bcf of… Continue Reading

“Green” Media Misrepresents World’s Energy Reality

By Vijay Jayaraj – February 22, 2022 Fossil fuels are out. Coal is no longer king. The Middle East faces an oil crisis. These are typical headlines in the mainstream media. Unreported is the hard reality of the world’s fossil-dependent developing economies. This story goes untold because media in the developed West seek to create… Continue Reading

Before You Save the Planet, Save the People Who Live on It

By: Vijay Jayaraj – February 12, 2022 Climate change frequently dominates media coverage and political discourse. Why wouldn’t it when those advancing the apocalyptic agenda speak in terms of saving the planet? The state of the climate is nothing if not an “existential threat,” or so it is said. For the sake of argument, let… Continue Reading

How “Climate Actions” Actually Kill People, Not Save Them

By Vijay Jayaraj – February 1, 2022 Many have heard about the advocacy for insect food to fight climate change. And about vegan lab meat, promoted as an environment-friendly substitute for animal protein. But asking people to turn off their heat and expecting them to survive winter’s cold? That is a whole new level of… Continue Reading

Climate industrial complex left clueless as fossil fuels proliferate

By Vijay Jayaraj – January 11, 2022 It has been a little more than a month since the United Nations climate meeting at Glasgow, yet global use of fossil fuels has increased rapidly. For instance, U.S. President Joe Biden cancelled domestic oil projects and vowed to stop funding for international fossil fuel projects. But as… Continue Reading

In Their Pursuit of Climate Nirvana, Politicians Ignore the Consumer

By: Gordon Tomb – CO2 Coalition Senior Advisor Amid the clamor over saving the planet from global warming and punishing companies for the “crime” of producing fossil fuels, who is looking after the consumer? Pondering that question feels like playing “Where’s Waldo?” Take North Carolina as an example: When the administration of Gov. Roy Cooper… Continue Reading

COP26 at odds with leaders of nearly 40% of world’s people, likely to fail

COP26 — the upcoming global gala gathering of climate elite — appears headed for a grand failure as key countries making up nearly 40% of the world’s population either spurn the meeting outright or act on the realities of their own circumstances. India has demanded from developed countries $100 billion a year in aid to… Continue Reading

Happer’s Statement: CO2 will be a major benefit to the Earth

Dr. William Happer Some people claim that increased levels of atmospheric CO2 will cause catastrophic global warming, flooding from rising oceans, spreading tropical diseases, ocean acidification, and other horrors. But these frightening scenarios have almost no basis in genuine science. This Statement reviews facts that have persuaded me that more CO2 will be a major benefit to… Continue Reading

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