
CO2 Coalition Files Brief Calling the EPA’s “Social Cost of Carbon” Rule “Scientifically Invalid”

“CO2 Coalition, a group established in 2015 to remind the world that carbon dioxide — that much-vilified greenhouse gas — actually does many good things for the planet, filed an amicus curie brief in Louisiana’s lawsuit against the Biden administration’s Social Cost of Carbon rule. In their brief, CO2 Coalition argues that Biden’s Social Cost of… Continue Reading

Judge Orders Administration to Cease Using the Social Cost of Carbon

Dr. Patrick Michaels February 11, 2022 Today, in a sweeping ruling from the Western District of Louisiana, Judge James D. Cain, Jr. ruled that the Biden administration must shelve its version of the “social cost of carbon” (SCC) for any regulatory action. Judge Cain’s ruling echoes much of what we have written in recent years—that… Continue Reading

Judge Orders Administration to Cease Using the Social Cost of Carbon

Dr. Patrick Michaels February 11, 2022 Today, in a sweeping ruling from the Western District of Louisiana, Judge James D. Cain, Jr. ruled that the Biden administration must shelve its version of the “social cost of carbon” (SCC) for any regulatory action. Judge Cain’s ruling echoes much of what we have written in recent years—that… Continue Reading

CEI Files Comments on Biden Administration Social Cost of Carbon Estimates

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Why ‘Social Cost of Carbon’ Is Most Useless Number You’ve Never Heard Of

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The President, not the New York Times, Is Right on the Social Cost of Carbon

The President, not the New York Times, Is Right on the Social Cost of Carbon August 5, 2020 A CO2 Coalition Review of a Media Claim Energy economist Dr. Bruce Everett says in a new Science and Policy Brief: The Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) is an estimate of the present value of the future… Continue Reading

The Social Cost of Carbon and Carbon Taxes – Pick a number, any number

The Social Cost of Carbon and Carbon Taxes – Pick a number, any number From the Executive Summary Leaving aside its scientific and economic uncertainties, the government’s Social Cost of Carbon is so sensitive to input assumptions that small, quite reasonable variations can produce almost any price you wish. As a result it is not… Continue Reading

The Social Cost of Carbon and Carbon Taxes – Pick a number, any number

The Social Cost of Carbon and Carbon Taxes – Pick a number, any number By Bruce M. Everett – CO2 Coalition Director From the Executive Summary Leaving aside its scientific and economic uncertainties, the government’s Social Cost of Carbon is so sensitive to input assumptions that small, quite reasonable variations can produce almost any price… Continue Reading

Rebutting the IMF’s Carbon Arbitrage Scheme

By Lars Schernikau – July 21, 2022 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently issued a draft paper called “The Great Carbon Arbitrage” making various points that are scientifically wrong or unsupported. Our member Lars Schernikau wrote to the IMF asking for clarification and explaining the scientific issues at hand. A reply from the IMF is… Continue Reading

Smokestack Fighting: Carbon Capture Promises to Slash Emissions, and Greens Hate It

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Carbon tax & alternative fuels: Brussels unveils drastic measures to slash emissions by 2030

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Ranking Member Capito Requests Accountability, Transparency in Administration’s Opaque Deliberations on Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases

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Lawmakers renew effort to halt carbon emissions caps in Pennsylvania

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A carbon border tax will harm the poor world the most

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Green Energy Goals Shortsighted, Expert Says

Author: Michael Dorstewitz | Published: Newsmax | Date: 6 July 2022   The U.S. Supreme Court dealt a blow to the Biden administration Thursday in a ruling that stated the Environmental Protection Agency had exceeded its authority under the Clean Air Act by trying to regulate greenhouse gases. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion… Continue Reading

The SEC and Climate Change

Andy May – 28 June 2022 The U.S. Constitution was finally approved in 1787, after much debate. It reserved a specific list of powers for the federal government and the first ten amendments, or the “Bill of Rights,” reserved many powers for the citizens and states. The Bill of Rights imposed clear limitations on the… Continue Reading

The SEC and Climate Change

Andy May – 28 June 2022 The U.S. Constitution was finally approved in 1787, after much debate. It reserved a specific list of powers for the federal government and the first ten amendments, or the “Bill of Rights,” reserved many powers for the citizens and states. The Bill of Rights imposed clear limitations on the… Continue Reading

Lindzen, Happer & CO2 Coalition file amicus brief in 5th Circuit Court

RELEASE: Immediate                                                                                                June 22, 2022 CO2 Coalition Tells Court Carbon Regulation “Scientifically Invalid” Download pdf ARLINGTON, Va. — President Biden’s Social Cost of Carbon rule is “scientifically invalid and will be disastrous for the poor people worldwide, future generations and the United States,” according to a court brief by two physics professors at Princeton… Continue Reading

CO2 Coalition files amicus brief in 5th Circuit Court

CO2 Coalition Tells Court Carbon Regulation “Scientifically Invalid” Gregory Wrightstone – 22 June 2022 President Biden’s Social Cost of Carbon rule is “scientifically invalid and will be disastrous for the poor people worldwide, future generations and the United States,” according to a court brief by two physics professors at Princeton and the Massachusetts Institute of… Continue Reading

CO2 Coalition files amicus brief in 5th Circuit Court

CO2 Coalition Tells Court Carbon Regulation “Scientifically Invalid” June 22, 2022  ARLINGTON, Va. — President Biden’s Social Cost of Carbon rule is “scientifically invalid and will be disastrous for the poor people worldwide, future generations and the United States,” according to a court brief by two physics professors at Princeton and the Massachusetts Institute of… Continue Reading

Your honor, CO2 is not a pollutant

by Gregory Wrightstone Is carbon dioxide — two pounds of which each of us exhales daily — a pollutant? And are catastrophes increasing as a result of higher concentrations of the gas? Physics — along with a few other branches of science — says no. Nonetheless, in a landmark 2007 Supreme Court ruling, the EPA… Continue Reading

How Climate Scenarios Lost Touch With Reality

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Off Target: The Economics Literature Does Not Support the 1.5°C Climate Ceiling

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With Climate Change, Is It Garbage In, Trillions Out?

With Climate Change, Is It Garbage In, Trillions Out? By Bruce Everett One basic principle of computer modeling is “garbage in, garbage out”.  In other words, you can’t model phenomena you don’t understand. Nonetheless, politicians often use bad models to give a veneer of legitimacy to weak ideas. Climate policy is essentially a debate over… Continue Reading

With Climate Change, Is It Garbage In, Trillions Out?

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