How are parents to respond when their children are being told lies about climate change? Daily Wire‘s Candace Owens recommends parents learn from CO2 Coalition Executive Director Greg Wrightstone’s book, Inconvenient Facts.
You can find out more about CO2 Coalition Member Dr. Richard Lindzen, Professor Emeritus of Atmospheric Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, here.
What is CO2? Is it dangerous? CO2 Coalition Executive Director Greg Wrightstone provides a three-minute explanation in a recent interview.
Author/geologist and CO2 Coalition Executive Director Gregory Wrightstone discusses what’s in this new tax hike law and the reality of “Climate Change” on the Joe Pags Show. Published August 18, 2022 Spending Tons of Money To Reduce Inflation? Not So Much! (
With passage of the “Inflation Reduction Act” the CO2 Coalition staff are in great demand for interviews. On Thursday alone our executive director did five including this one with John Rush. He spent a lot of time on science and details of warming (or the lack thereof) from CO2. He also touched on pipeline restricted…
Five years ago, CO2 Chair William Happer gave a wonderful presentation that is just as relevant today as it was when he presented it. Here is his slide deck from that important talk. The Real Story on Climate Change 9-13-2017
PBD Podcast Episode 171. In this episode, Patrick Bet-David is joined by Dr. Patrick Moore and Adam Sosnick. Get Dr. Moore’s book “Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom”: Follow Dr. Patrick Moore on Twitter: For more go to Dr. Moore’s website:
ENB #64 Gregory Wrightstone – The Inconvenient Facts, The CO2 Collation, and Once Upon a Time; A true story about the miracle molecule.
“Today on the ENB podcast episode #65 we have Gregory Wrightstone stopping by and we covered the facts, and his book The Inconvenient Facts. This is the second time that I was fortunate enough to have Gregory on my podcast. Gregory was also nice enough to show us the brand new book from the CO2…
Patrick J. Michaels discusses climate change on FOX’s Life Liberty & Levin
Dr. Patrick Moore – Energy & Climate Conference Keynote Dinner Address
The media says climate change and economic development has led to the collapse of natural ecosystems. But how much of it is true? CO2 Coalition Research Associate Vijay Jayaraj visits the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve in Southern India, which is at the heart of the tiger population revival.
How to Make Future Energy Affordable,Reliable and Sustainable – Dr Lars Schernikau
A Zoom presentation hosted by The Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF, and Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL, on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Dublin.
CO2 Coalition Tells Court Carbon Regulation “Scientifically Invalid” June 22, 2022 ARLINGTON, Va. — President Biden’s Social Cost of Carbon rule is “scientifically invalid and will be disastrous for the poor people worldwide, future generations and the United States,” according to a court brief by two physics professors at Princeton and the Massachusetts Institute of…
Exec Dir of the CO2 coalition – Gregory Wrightstone drops some knowledge on the state of the climate, amount of CO2 and what it means historically. Biden’s Policies on Climate Make No Sense
John Kerry Wants to Emulate COVID Lockdowns for Climate Change (Guest: Gregory Wrightstone)
Gregory Wrightstone, executive director of the CO2 Coalition, explains that John Kerry said the quiet part out loud when he called on the world’s economic and political elites as the World Economic Forum to treat climate change the same as they did the COVID pandemic. Kerry and other climate alarmists want to lock the world…
The Big 5 Natural Causes of Global Warming – part 1: Varying Atlantic Water Transport
CO2 Coalition Member Jim Steele discusses the the Big 5 natural climate dynamics. Transcript available here.
Pat Gray interviews CO2 Coalition Director Gregory Wrightstone.
Stu Burguiere interviews CO2 Coalition Executive Director Gregory Wrightstone.
Patrick Moore’s new book “Fake invisible catastrophes and threats of doom” is required reading for all who are interested in learning the facts about the fake plastic scare, the polar bear non-crisis, and many more from the Climate Industrial Complex.
CO2 Coalition Member Kip Hansen retells his own investigation concerning the misrepresentation of data, and its negative impact on public policy. Production Credits: Rachel Kennedy Investigative and Science Credits: Kip Hansen Brought to you by the CO2 Coalition.
Gregory Wrightstone, CO2 Coalition Executive Director, interviewed on the Chris Salcedo Show.
Gregory Wrightstone, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition, interviewed by the Daily Signal of Heritage Foundation about the current energy situation, the benefits of CO2, censorship, and energy poverty.
Gregory Wrightstone, Executive Director for the CO2 Coalition interviewed by Ed Martin.
This video was originally published on To read more, click here.