
Facebook Challenges Eminent Scientist with Doubters of Dubious Distinction

By Angela Wheeler In censoring material that contradicts the popular – though increasingly feeble – fiction of a climate crisis, Facebook is quick to discount the credentials of one of the world’s leading scientists while honoring sources of dubious credibility. Our latest encounter with Facebook came in a message from the platform’s corporate entity, Meta,… Continue Reading

Math Confirms Foolishness of Climate Alarmism

By Gregory Wrightstone The science of climate change often is presented in complicated language that speaks of computer models and the theoretical inputs and outputs thereof and concludes that the globe is on the verge of “boiling.” Well, leave it to three physicists — steeped in calculus and such arcane matters as the behavior of… Continue Reading

A Little Learning on Methane and Climate Change

by William Happer Before leaving for a week of virtue-signaling at the COP27 climate conference with other world elites, President Joe Biden would have done well to reread Hans Christian Anderson’s story “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” “In the great city where he [the Emperor] lived, life was always gay,” Anderson wrote. “Every day many strangers… Continue Reading

Review and Analysis of Van Wijngaarden and Happer Concerning Radiative Transfer in Earth’s Atmosphere in the Presence of Clouds

Download 2n-Stream Radiative Transfer here  Kees de Lange October 2, 2022  The understanding of Earth’s climate depends to a large extent on our knowledge of radiative transfer processes in the atmosphere. Short wavelength radiation in the visible range from the sun enters the atmosphere and finds its way to the surface to warm it. Long… Continue Reading

Mouse Squeaks at Lion

Mouse Squeaks at Lion Kip Hansen – 10 December 2021 Some people just seem to have a distorted view of their proper place in the Universe.  In what should have been seen as a joke has been taken seriously by David Vetter a “Senior Contributor” at FORBES.  Note that the magazine gives a disclaimer that… Continue Reading

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