
Scientific Societies Risk Reputations by Endorsing Climate Scare

By Wallace Manheimer Statements of scientific societies are often used to justify extreme measures for dealing with a supposed climate emergency. “The scientific community is telling us in no uncertain term,” began a statement addressing the climate issue on the 2020 campaign website of doomsayer Sen. Bernie Sanders. Such statements make me nervous. They assume… Continue Reading

The world is transitioning to fossil fuels

Global coal demand will reach a historic high in 2022 by Vijay Jayaraj Despite the fanfare surrounding wind and solar, the world’s dependency on fossil fuels is increasing. Last week, Saudi Aramco CEO Amin Nasser said that the world is now “transitioning to coal.” Saad al-Kaabi, Qatar‘s energy minister, says: “Many countries particularly in Europe which had been… Continue Reading

Fact checking the fact checkers

Gregory Wrightstone – May 27, 2021 What Climate Feedback gets wrong in its attempted takedown of CO2 Coalition commentary On Earth Day of 2021, the Washington Times published an op-ed that I wrote titled “There is no climate emergency – We love CO2 and so should you.” Not long after publication, the paper’s Facebook post… Continue Reading

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