
Wolf’s RGGI fixation will slow Pennsylvania’s recovery

By Gordon Tomb – February 17, 2022 Gov. Tom Wolf’s timing for imposing a new energy tax could hardly be worse. Pennsylvania’s economy is trying to recover from the pandemic’s brutal effects. Yet, Wolf’s fixation to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) ignores that the policy will raise families’ energy bills and cripple local… Continue Reading

Gordon Tomb: EPA rule threatens Trainer refinery

By Gordon Tomb – February 15, 2022 Threatening the continued operation of Monroe Energy’s Trainer Refinery south of Philadelphia — and its hundreds of jobs — are renewable fuel compliance credits expected to hit historic highs this year under a federal proposal. Independent refiners like Monroe Energy are already spending more on compliance credits “than… Continue Reading

Pennsylvania Power Plant Closures Would Cause Real Harm for Illusory Environmental Gains

By Gordon Tomb – February 8, 2022 Visible from Western Pennsylvania’s Allegheny Mountain ridges are coal-fired power plants—and their plumes of water vapor—that have been integral to much of the regional economy for 50 years. But maybe not for much longer. Three plants east of Pittsburgh directly employ 550 people and support an estimated 8,100 jobs, according… Continue Reading

Corrupt Climate Science Poisons Eastern Grid Operator

By Gordon Tomb – February 2, 2022 Once upon a time the job of the PJM Interconnection — operator of the nation’s largest electricity grid — was reasonably straightforward: Keep the lights on. The organization’s mission statement still identifies PJM’s “primary task” as ensuring the power grid’s “safety, reliability and security.” However, today’s PJM is… Continue Reading

Today’s Galileos challenge climate orthodoxy — and other nonsense

By Gordon Tomb – CO2 Coalition Senior Advisor Is the modern scientific establishment like the 17th-century elite who conspired against Galileo for his heliocentric “apostasy” — both being motivated by a desire to retain power and privilege rather than by a search for truth? That’s what best-selling author Eric Metaxas suggests in his recent book,… Continue Reading

In Their Pursuit of Climate Nirvana, Politicians Ignore the Consumer

By: Gordon Tomb – CO2 Coalition Senior Advisor Amid the clamor over saving the planet from global warming and punishing companies for the “crime” of producing fossil fuels, who is looking after the consumer? Pondering that question feels like playing “Where’s Waldo?” Take North Carolina as an example: When the administration of Gov. Roy Cooper… Continue Reading

Inconvenient Facts is driving Norwegian warming hysterics nuts

 By Gordon Tomb Other than by misspelling “fjord,” how would an American geologist draw the ire of a pair of Norwegian politicians?  Answer: Write a book that counters the notion that human activity is causing the globe to warm with catastrophic consequences. Gregory Wrightstone’s 2017 book, Inconvenient Facts: The Science that Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know, was… Continue Reading

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