
Energy Sobriety In The Canadian Rockies: Natural Gas Is Here To Stay

By Tilak Doshi What a breathe of fresh air! Not only because it is in the mountains, the Canadian Rockies, with the spectacular backdrop of Banff, Alberta, to be specific. But also because it is refreshing that the triennial global gas conference IGRC2024 held in Banff last week headlined speakers who proclaimed the virtues of fossil fuels… Continue Reading

…America’s LNG Export Potential…

By Donn Dears – April 12, 2022 The current status of natural gas production, consumption and exports is in a state of flux brought about by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  How much LNG has the United States exported, and can the US play a leading role going forward? The US produced 34,149 Bcf of… Continue Reading

America’s Natural Gas Juggernaut

By Gregory Wrightstone – April 12, 2022 America can fuel the world’s needs for clean-burning natural gas for many decades and have plenty left over for our own domestic requirements. The vast majority of our nation’s undeveloped gas supply is found in the Appalachian Basin of the eastern United States. The size of the resource… Continue Reading

American energy policy digging economic grave for folks

By Vijay Jayaraj – April 6, 2022 The Biden administration is persistently digging an economic grave for Americans by looking to import both oil and alternative technologies rather than developing domestic sources to restore energy independence. Having banned the importation of Russian oil in reaction to Putin’s attack on Ukraine, the administration reportedly is seeking… Continue Reading

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