
American Midwest and Climate Change: Life in America’s Breadbasket is Good and Getting Better

Assertions by the 4th U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA4) that the American Midwest will suffer negative effects – some catastrophic – from climate change are scientifically invalid and contrary to reality. Highly qualified professionals of the CO2 Coalition arrived at this conclusion after a careful review of real-world data and NCA4’s research methodologies and findings.… Continue Reading

Video Summary: Greg Wrightstone’s Testimony Before PA House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee

CO2 Coalition Executive Director Greg Wrightstone based his testimony before the PA House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee on a recent paper published by our coalition that states that coal, oil, and natural gas are the “greenest” of energy sources. The paper was published by one of the CO2 Coalition’s members, Dr. Indur Goklany. Dr.… Continue Reading

Testimony of CO2 Coalition Executive Director Gregory Wrightstone Before the Pennsylvania House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee 

Testimony of Gregory Wrightstone Executive Director, CO2 Coalition Before the Pennsylvania House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee October 24, 2022 Fossil Fuels: The Greenest Energy   Good morning. Thank you for the opportunity to speak. I am Gregory Wrightstone, executive director of the CO2 Coalition, based in Arlington, Virginia. I am also a native of Cumberland… Continue Reading

Lindzen, Happer & CO2 Coalition Comment on the CFTC Climate-Related Financial Risk

On August 8, 2022, Richard Lindzen, William Happer and the CO2 Coalition submitted comments to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission on climate-related financial risk. Read the entire comment here: Happer Lindzen CO2C CFTC 8-7-22d Our conclusion states: In our scientific opinion as career scientists, there is no scientific basis for the CFTC inquiry.  Real science… Continue Reading

Pennsylvania’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Relies on Faulty Data – Why RGGI is a “solution in search of a problem”

The Governor and other officials have relied heavily on the state’s Climate Action Plans and specifically on the 2018 Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan3 in order to support their claims of current and future devastating impacts of continued CO2-driven warming. Assertions in the Climate Action Plan are refuted by the analysis of Gregory Wrightstone, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition and an expert reviewer for the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 6th Assessment Report (IPCC – AR6).... Continue Reading

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