
Biden’s Dangerous Energy Plan

Gregory Wrightstone, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition joins Kara McKinney on OAN's Tipping Point to discuss the dangers of Biden's energy plan, the Keystone XL pipeline, and what it all means to the average American....

Gregory Wrightstone Talks Joe Biden Energy Policy on CBN

Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition, Gregory Wrightstone, joins host Gary Lane on the Global Lane to discuss Joe Biden's energy policies which will bring massive costs to the American people. ...

Solving Energy Poverty

Energy poverty negatively impacts millions around the globe. The CO2 Coalition along with our friends at The Texas Public Policy Foundation have pinpointed who is impacted by energy poverty, and have some suggestions on how to tackle this hurdle for mankind....

CO2 Coalition Discussed on Hot Take of the Day 10/19

Author and CO2 Coalition Executive Director, Gregory Wrightstone, joins David Ramsden-Wood on Hot Take of the Day to discuss climate change, social media censorship, and climate-changing witches....

Dr. Patrick Moore – Temperature Drives CO2

In this two minute excerpt, Dr. Patrick Moore -- ecologist, Greenpeace founder, and current chair of the CO2 Coaliton -- explains that CO2 is an essential and powerful plant food and a minor greenhouse gas, but not the primary driver of global temperature that computer models assume it to be. On the huge swings in the earth's temperature on geological time scales, Dr. Moore says: "There is no historical evidence that CO2 causes the temperature to change, none whatsoever."...

Dr. Patrick Moore- CO2 is a Positive

Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace and Chair of the CO2 Coalition, appears on the Andrew Lawton Show and explains CO2 as a net positive....

Fox Nation Climate Change Panel – Part 2

Greg joined Steve Hilton and panelists Nomiki Konst Wall Streeet Journal writer Holman Jenkins for a spirited discussion on climate change. To view the full video go to Fox Nation here:

Fox Nation Climate Change Panel – Part 1

Greg joined Steve Hilton and panelists Nomiki Konst Wall Street Journal writer Holman Jenkins for a spirited discussion on climate change. To view the full video go to Fox Nation here:

The Truth About CO2 – Today show

Dr. Patrick Moore critiqued the Green New Deal on May 11, 2019 on the Mike Huckabee Today show on TBN....

The truth about global warming

Dr. Patrick Michaels, Senior Fellow at the CO2 Coalition, provides insight into the debate over climate change and the political games played to create policy.

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