
The Inconvenient Truth about the ‘Scientific Consensus’ on ‘Climate Change’

From LifeSiteNews’ Joseph Summers:

Speaking to LifeSiteNews’ Jim Hale, Gregory Wrightstone, executive director of the CO2 Coalition, spoke to the reality of the so-called climate ‘crisis’ and the effects green energy has on the environment.

ARLINGTON, Virginia (LifeSiteNews) — Gregory Wrightstone, executive director of the CO2 Coalition, an organization dedicated to educating the public about the role of carbon dioxide in the climate, recently spoke with LifeSiteNews’ Jim Hale to discuss the supposed “consensus” of scientists who believe in a climate “crisis,” the effects of green energy on the environment, and more.

Wrightstone, who also authored a book on “climate change” titled Inconvenient Facts: The Science Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know, told Hale that the supposed “consensus” of scientists is “contrived” and that the mainstream media won’t allow scientists with views opposing the “consensus” on their networks because they maintain the “science” on “climate change” is “settled.”

Read the complete article here and to see the interview of CO2 Coalition Executive Director Gregory Wrightstone with LifeSiteNews’ Jim Hale, click below:


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