
Petition to withdraw from United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Dr. Richard S. Lindzen, Professor Emeritus at MIT and a Member of National Academy of Sciences, has announced a petition to the American and to international governments to change course on an outdated international agreement that underlies a number of regulations on minor greenhouse gases: primarily Carbon Dioxide, CO2.

Said Dr. Lindzen, “Since 2009, the U.S. and other governments have undertaken a number of actions with respect to global climate that are not scientifically justified and that already have and will continue to cause a great deal of pointless social and economic harm. While we support effective, affordable, reasonable and direct controls on conventional environmental pollutants, carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. To the contrary, there is good and growing evidence that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is environmentally helpful to food crops and other plants that nourish all life. It’s plant food, not poison.”

He and the over 300 scientists who joined the petition assert that, whether from the use of hydrocarbons or natural sources, the demonization of CO2 has very negative effects upon the technology of nations throughout the world. Depressing these societies condemns over 4 billion people in emerging but still underdeveloped countries to continued poverty.

“We are now at a crossroads,” continued Dr. Lindzen. “The new administration has promised not only to keep the U.S. out of a harmful international climate agreement, but also to rollback misdirected, pointless government demonization and regulation of CO2 emissions from sources ranging from energy to agriculture and beyond.”

The scientists believe that it is especially important for governments to hear from citizens with the training necessary to evaluate the relevant data on climate and offer sound advice. Many observers note that climate issues have long been political debates—not scientific discussions—over whether citizens or bureaucrats control energy, natural resources and other assets. Once settled into one or another point of view, very few people change their minds based on empirical evidence or logical discourse.

Dr. Lindzen concluded, “In an effort to reestablish the science’s dominance in this political discussion, hundreds of eminent scientists from around the globe petition the USA and their individual governments to withdraw from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Such action is foundational to reversing unfounded policies that even their most devoted acolytes admit do not improve environmental conditions but do impose hardships broadly, particularly on those most vulnerable citizens trying to get on the ladders of success within their own societies.”

Dr. Lindzen’s letter to President Trump concerning the MIT POAC letter is found at Lindzen_Personal PAOC Explanation3-10-17

Scientists wishing to add their names to the petition should contact

Petition to withdraw from United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

We urge the United States government, and others, to withdraw from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). We support reasonable and cost-effective environmental protection. But carbon dioxide, the target of the UNFCCC is not a pollutant but a major benefit to agriculture and other life on Earth. Observations since the UNFCCC was written 25 years ago show that warming from increased atmospheric CO2 will be benign — much less than initial model predictions.


ADAM, A.I.:  (Ph. D.);  Retired Geologist/Palynologist/Academic/Public Servant/Industry Professional; publications include papers on palaeoenvironmental studies and a book, New Emperors’ Novel Clothes: Climate Change Analysed

ALEXANDER, Ralph B.:  (Ph.D. ,Physics, University of Oxford );  Former Associate Professor, Wayne State University, Detroit, author “Global Warming False Alarm” (2012)

ALLEN, D. Weston:  (MB., BS. );  FRACGP  Australia

ALLISON, Jock:  (Ph.D. , Animal science, Sydney University, 1970);  Previously Research Director, Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, New Zealand

ANDERSON, Charles R.:  (Ph.D. in Physics );  Anderson Materials Evaluation, Inc.,President & Principal Scientist, Expert in the use of radiation to characterize materials, many publications on materials science, frequent on-line posts on the essential physics of the atmosphere and radiation

ARMSTRONG, J. Scott:  ( Ph.D. MIT );  Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. My area of expertise involves forecasting methods. I have been involved to preparing and evaluating forecasts relevant to climate change since 2007

ÅSTRÖM, Sture:  (M.S. Royal Institute of Technology 1955 );  retired VP of export business, sectrerary of the Network KLIMATSANS (Climate Sense).

BAEHR, Ted:  ();  Publisher of MOVIEGUIDE(r) and former L.S. Attorney at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the SDNY in the early 1970s who worked to establish the environmental law division and attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council

BALL, Tim :  (Ph.D. );  Professor emeritus the University of Winnipeg

BAROODY, Tom:  (B.S., Civil Engineering , Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute M.S. Civil Engineering – University of Missouri – Columbia);   CEO of K-Technologies, Inc., a chemical engineering technology development company

BARRANTE, James R.:  (Ph.D.);  Emeritus Professor of Physical Chemistry Southern Connecticut State University Author of a number of textbooks and articles in physical chemistry. Author of book “Global Warming for Dim Wits”

BARTLETT, David:  (Ph.D., 1965, Columbia Univ, NYC.);  physics prof (emeritus) University of Colorado, Fellow American Physical Society, Current interests: high energy physics, astrophysics, precision measurement of fundamental constants.

BARTON, Colin:  (BSC. and a Ph.D.,Geology, the University of Birmingham UK );  am a former Principal Research Scientist with the Australian CSIRO, an Honorary Fellow of RMIT University Melbourne and a retired Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia. With my experience from two years working in Antarctica and from studying past climate and glaciation in the UK, Scandinavia

BARWIS, John H.:  (PhD, geology  );  career in stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental analysis

BASTARDI, Joseph:  ();  Chief meterologist, Weatherbell Analytics

BATTIG, Charles G.:  (M.S., M.D. );  Virginia Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment (VA-SEEE) Heartland Institute policy expert on environment Master contributor

BAUM, Peter J.:  (Ph.D., Physics );  Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California Riverside (Ret.), Lifetime member American Geophysical Union, author of numerous papers on solar-terrestrial relations

BEE, Roger:  ();

BEETHAM, Barry:  ();

BEISNER, E. Calvin:  (Ph.D. );  Founder and National Spokesman, The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, former Associate Professor of Ethics, Knox Theological Seminary, author of many articles and conference presentations on the ethics and economics of climate and energy policy, recipient, Outstanding Spokesman for Faith, Science, and Stewardship Award from the Heritage Foundation, 2014

BELL, Larry S.:  (M.S. Industrial Design, B Architecture);  Endowed Professor, Space Architecture; professor of Architecture, University of Houston. Author: Climate of Corruption:; Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax (and) Scared Witless; Prophets and Profits of Climate Doom. Columnist: Forbes and Newsmax magazines

BELLER, Denis E.:  ( Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering Physics );  Lt. Col. USAF (retired), retired research professor; co-author of seminal Foreign Affairs essay on energy & the environment

BENARD, David:  (Ph.D. Chemical Physics, Kinetics, Univ. Of Illinois 1972  );  20 patents & 90 publications, USAF Systems Command Award For Technical Achievement (1978) & Co-inventor of the oxygen-iodine chemical laser.

BENN, Kevin:  (M.A. ,Cambridge );  informed and concerned citizen, member of Swedish CLEXIT

BENNETT, William A.:  (MSc., MIT BA, Chemical Engineering , Sydney University Master of Science – Massachusetts Institute of Technology);

BERAN, Max:  (B. Sc. );  Retired Hydrologist and Climate Chnge Science coordinator Terrestial Sciences, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC); Coordinator of NERC Terrestrial Initiative in Global Environmental Research; also chairman organising committee of NATO Special Programmer on Science of Global Environmental Change

BERGSMARK, Stein:  (M.S. Physics );  previously senior research scientist in the energy industry. Previously leader of study programmes in renewable energy at the University of Agder, Norway

BERRY, Edwin X.:  (Ph.D., Physics );  AMS Certified Consulting Meteorologist, author of papers on climate and meteorology. Climate Physics LLC, Bigfork, Montana. U of Nevada Professional Achievement Award.

BESLU, Pierre:  (M.S. Physics, Marseille University (1964));   retired,  previously research scientist in nuclear field (CEA- French nuclear energy commission).

BILLARD, Geoffrey:  ();

BIRKELI, Lars Inger:  ();  Retired Principal Hardware Engineer, Oracle Norway

BLACK, David L.:  (Ph.D.);  F-ABFT, FAIC Clinical Associate Professor Immunology, Mircrobiology, Pathology and Pharmacology Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennesee Founder, Aegis Sciences Corporation   Founder and CEO, The Phoenix Sciences Group, LLC   Founder and CEO, 2nd Vote

BLAYDEN, Richard:  (BSc Hons );  Engineer & Thought Leader, Consultant (retired) to Industry in understanding and resolving complex organisational issues through improvement strategies where real root causes are identified and addressed

BLETHEN, John:  (Ph.D., Physics, Stanford University 1974);

BLOEMERS, H.P.J.:  (Ph.D.);  Professor emeritus of Biochemistry Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands

BOEHMER-CHRISTIANSEN, Sonja A.:  (D.Phil.);  Reader Emeritus, Department of Geography Hull University HULL HU6 7RX Editor, Energy&Environment, SAGE Publishers

BOHN, Edward:  (PhD Nuclear Engineering);

BOHNAK, Karrol:  (B.S. equivilant, meterology, University of Wisconsin-Madison);  broadcast meteorologist with over 30 years experience

BOLENEUS, David:  (M.S., Geology; MBA );  Licensed Professional Geologist, and hydrogeologist; U.S. Geological Survey, Research Geologist (retired); President, HydroImaging, Inc., 4th generation to operate family wheat farm; volunteer in agriculture, conduct outreach on benefits of carbon dioxide

BOOTHBY, David:  ();

BORTHWICK, Patrick:  (Marine Biology, University of West Florida);  1968-2005 EPA, Gulf Breeze Lab and Pacific SW Region 9 Lab authored several publications on effects of toxic substances on marine life. Also MS cousework in Marine Biology.

BOUTEILLE, Pierre:  (HEC, Cybernetics and Ergonomics, Paris ’71 business school  );  BSN-Danone Glass Containers Division (France), Overseas Export Dept, 1973-87 ; Flo-Pak Int’l (Redwood City, Calif) 1988-2009, including : Director of  European Development 2000-09, VP Recycling Dept of French Plastics Converters Board 1992-94

BOWERS, James C.:  (Sc.D. Washington University in St. Louis);

BRASSEUR, Claude:  ();

BREDE, Cato:  (Ph.D.  );  29 papers and 2 patents in the field of analytical chemistry

BREEZE, Simon:  ();

BRESLOW, Jan L.:  (M.D. );  Frederick Henry Leonhardt Professor, Rockefeller University, Member National Academy of Sciences (USA), Member National Academy of Medicine (USA), Member German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina), Author of more than 250 peer reviewed publications

BRIGGS, William M.:  (Ph.D., Statistics & Philosophy of Science);  author of Uncertainty:  The  Soul of Modeling, Probability & Statistics

BRIGHAM, Benjamin Madison:  (B.S.,Geological Sciences (Geophysics),The University of Texas );  Chairman Anthem Ventures

BROOKS, Colin Charles:  (BSc (Hons),  Physics and Geology, University of Adelaide in South Australia );

BROOKS, Scott:  ();  Electronic-Electromechanical Engineering, Albuquerque, NM

BROWNELL, Reg:  (M Ec (Tas));

CAMPBELL, Mark:  (Ph.D., Chemical Physics,The Johns Hopkins University Currently a Professor in the Chemistry Department, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD Member, America Physical Society, author of numerous papers on gas-phase chemical reactions);

CASEY, Jeffrey A.:  (Ph.D., Plasma Physics);  President, Rockfield Research Inc.             Numerous papers on plasma physics (including modeling, energy & particle balance, analysis of sparse data sets),  and scientific instrumentation.      8 years at MIT Plasma Fusion Center, 24 years in industry as R&D team leader and independent consultant.

CATANESE, Carm:  ( Ph.D., Physics, Yale U. 1970);  Life Member, American Physical Society Retired Executive Vice President, the Sarnoff Corporation, Princeton, NJ

CHAPAS MURALLES, Jorge David:  (MSc. );  Professor of environmental economics at Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala. Founder and CEO of Red de Amigos de la Naturaleza (Rana). Policy expert of Heartland Institute and PERC

CHARLTON, Thomas:  (Bachelor of Applied Science, Geology, QUT);

CHILTON, Kenneth W.:  (Ph.D.);  Senior Environmental Fellow, Center for Economics and the Environment, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO

CLARK, Ian:  (Ph.D.);  Professor Department of Earth Sciences Advanced Research Complex, University of Ottowa

CLOUGH, Charles:  (MS., Atmospheric Science);  Founder and Retired Chief of the US Army Atmospheric Effects Team, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, Retired LtCol USAF (Res) Weather Officer

CONDON, William F.:  (Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Analytical Chemistry, Southern Connecticut State University.  Responsible for the instrumentation and quantitative analysis courses, originated and taught for two decades the upper level environmental chemistry course for chem. majors covering aquatic, marine, and atmospheric chemistry);

COOK, Gary:  (MS., Chemistry, Auburn University, Ph.D. level work in Chemical Oceanography, Texas A&M.    );  1970-1976 Worked with EPA at the Gulf Breeze Research Lab studying the effects of Pesticides/Organic Toxicants on the Marine Environment

CORNELL, Lars:  (B.S. Computers, Electronics, Engineering, B.S. Economics);

CRESCENTI, Uberto:  (Ph.D.);  prof. Emerito Engineering Geology Università G. d’Annunzio Chieti- Pescara, Presidente Società Geologica Italiana 1999-2005

CULLEN, Ray:  ();

D’ALEO, Joseph S.:  (BS., MS. Meteorology Wisconsin, ABD., Air Resources, NYU, Honorary Ph.D. VSC );  AMS Fellow, CCM Chairman Department of Meteorology, Lyndon State College First Director of Meteorology The Weather Channel Chief Meteorologist WSI, Co Chief Meteorologist WeatherBell Analytics

D’ALONZO, Raphael:  ( Ph.D., UMass Amherst 1977 );  Retired Procter & Gamble 2008, past Chair, Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society, past President of the Cincinnati Chapter of the Society of Applied Spectroscopy

DAVEY, Leslie B.:  (Dip. Mechanical Engineering(ME));

DE GROOT, Kees:  (M.Sc., Chemical engineering, Delft, 1962 );  Worked for Shell until retirement in 1999as geochemist  and various other function, finally later as technology and R&D vicepresident for Exploration and Production. Ex Board member of Dutch Technology foundation, ex chairman  technology advisory board Tech University Delft . Author of many papers on carbonate mineral formation, hydrocarbon habitat (geology)  and lately on wind energy.

DE MATAS, Charles:  (PhD., Mathematics );  Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Statistics The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. Trinidad and Tobago.

DE VRIES, Geert F.:  (MSc (Physics), MBL (Unisa));  Pr. Sci. Nat., M. Nuclear, London, M. SFEN, Paris Emeritus M SAIP, M EPS, M DPG,

DEARS, Donn:  ( BS. );  Retired GE Company Executive Author of Nothing to Fear: A Bright Future for Fossil Fuels

DELLEVIGNE, Paul:  ( B.A., Chemistry, MBA, Finance and International Business, New York University);   Former research biochemist in protein chemistry and enxymology, software entrepreneur, currently consultant in tax software implementation

DEMING, David :  (Ph.D., Geophysics);  Professor of Arts and Sciences, University of Oklahoma

DOIRON, Harold H.:  (Ph.D.,  Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston 1970 );  Retired VP Engineering, InDyne, Inc.; Senior Manager, McDonnell Doughlas Space Systems; and former NASA Apollo, Skylab and Space Shuttle Engineer Chairman, The Right Climate Stuff Research Team, composed of NASA manned space program retirees

DONZE, Terry W.:  ( B.S. in Geological Engineering 1971 Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology );   Independent Geophysicist Author: Climate Realism: Alarmism Exposed

DOUGLASS JR., David :  (PhD., MIT);  Professor of Physics, University of Rochester

DREISSEN, Aert:  (BSc., Syd Uni, 1960;  BEc Canberra, 1990);

DROZ JR., John:  (BS. Mathematics; BS & MS Physics );  Founder of Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED)

DUCHAMP, Mark:  (M.S. );  President, Save the Eagles International Chairman, World Council for Nature

DUNN, John Dale:  (M.D. J.D.  );  Civilian Faculty Emergency Medicine  Carl R Darnall Army Medical Center Fort Hood, Texas

DURAN, Jacques:  (Ph.D.);  Former Research Director CNRS (France). Hon. Head of sutdies ESPCI (France)

DYSON, Freeman:  ();  Professor Emeritus, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey.      Theoretical Physicist.     Member of National Academy of Sciences

EASTERBROOK, Donald J.:  (Ph.D.);  Professor Emeritus of Geology at Western Washington University. He has written a dozen books, published more than 185 papers, and has presented 30 research papers at international meetings in 15 countries. He was chairman of the 1977 national meeting of the Geological Society of America (GSA), was president of the Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division of GSA, was Associate Editor of the GSA Bulletin for 15 years, was awarded “Distinguished service to the Geological Society of America, was was U.S. representative to the UN International Geological Correlation Program, and was Director of Field Excursions for the 2003 International Quaternary Congress. In 2013, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Northwest Geologic Society. He published four books and eight professional papers in the past year.

EIKERI, Oddvar:  (DR.Engineering,  Industrial Science);

ELLESTED, Ole Henrik:  ();  Previous Research director Sintef, professor in process chemistry, Manaaging director Norwegian Computing Center, Director Division for Science and Technology at universities and colleges, Norwegian Research Council. Scientific areas: physical Chemistry, University of Oslo, infrared spectroscopy, process chemistry

ELLIOT, Mike:  (Advanced Diploma, Electronics & Communications, NSTC);  Member of the IPA, Member of the CIS, Member of the OTVA, Dux of School in Maths

ENDRIZ, John:  (Ph.D. Electrical Engineering(semiconductor and surface physics), Stanford University (1970) );  Former Member, American Physical Society Retired Vice President of Engineering, SDL INC., San Jose, Ca. SDL (later merged with JDSU) was the worlds largest supplier of high power semiconductor lasers, including 60% of all pump lasers for land based and undersea telecom, world wide

ENSTROM, James E.:  (PhD, physics, MPH, epidemiology);  Research Professor / Researcher (retired), UCLA School of Public Health;  President, Scientific Integrity Institute, Los Angeles, CA; expert on air pollution health effects

ERIKSSON, Per-Olof:  ( Dr h.c., Luleå Technical University, Sweden );  Physicist from Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm Sweden and Techn

EVANS, David M. W.:  (Ph.D., Stanford );  previously carbon accounting modeler for the Australian Greenhouse Office

EVERETT, Bruce:  (Ph.D. );  Adjunct Associate Professor of International Business, The Fletcher School, Tufts University

FAGAN, Matthew J.:  (Ph.D, Nuclear Physics, B.Sc(Hons) );  President and owner of FastCAM Inc. Inventor of technologies used in over 100,000 factories And sole Inventor in 20 US Patents

FELKER, Peter M.:  (PhD.);  Professor of Chemistry, UCLA

FORBES, Vivian R.:  (BSc., Applied Sciences);   FAusIMM, FSIA, geologist, financial analyst and pasture manager, author of many articles on climate, pollution, economic development and hydrocarbons

FOURNIER, Joseph:  (Ph.D., Physical Chemistry );  private sector research scientist, author of numerous papers in Energy & the Environment and a specialist in solid state electrochemistry

FRANK, Neil:  (Ph.D., Meteorology, Florida State University);  Former Director of the National Hurricane Center

FRICKE, Martin P.:  (Ph.D., Nuclear Physics );  Fellow of American Physical Society (APS), former elected member of APS Executive Panel on Public Affairs

FUGLERUD, John:  (Masters, Chemical Engineering, Norwegian University, Trondheim, 1974.);

FURHOLT, Vidar:  ( MSc., Electrical engineering, NTNU, Norway);  Physics teacher in norwegian 11th-13th grade

GERHARD, Lee C.:  (Ph.D. );  Getty Professor of Geologic Engineering, Colorado School of Mines (Ret.).  State Geologist and Director, Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas, Senior Scientist Emeritus (Ret.).  Author of numerous  papers  on geology, environment, and climate change

GERLACH, Ulrich H.:  (Ph.D.);  Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus, OSU; philosophy in science, pioneering the frontier of quantum mechanical black hole astrophysics, ultra-intense laser/relativistic physics

GERVAIS, François:  (Ph.D.  Tiny warming of residual anthropogenic CO2. Int. J. Modern Phys. B 28, 1450095 (2014));  Emeritus Professor of Physics, François Rabelais University at Tours (France), author of:  Tiny CO2 warming challenged by Earth greening. Ed. Scholar’s Press, Sarrebruck (2016) Anthropogenic CO2 warming challenged by 60-year cycle. Earth-Science Reviews 155, 129-135 (2016)

GLATZLE, Albrecht:  (PhD, sc. agr. );  Retired Director of Research of INTTAS (Iniciativa para la Investigación y Transferencia de Tecnología Agraria Sostenible), Loma Plata, Paraguay. Member of “Comisión Nacional de Cambio Climático”. Author of numerous publications on land use, natural resources management, and climate

GOLDSCHMIDT, Victor W.:  (Ph.D.);  Prof. Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

GOLDSTEIN, Leo:  (M.Sc., Mathematics);  inventor and holder of multiple patents in the wind energy; author of scientific articles in the wind energy; Austin, TX

GOREHAM, Steve:  (MS,Electrical Engineering, MBA );  Executive Director, Climate Science Coalition of America Policy Advisor, The Heartland Institute

GORNER, Joan:  ();

GOULD, Laurence I.:  (Ph.D., Physics);   Professor of Physics at University of Hartford, Past Chair (2004) of New England Section of the American Physical Society, Member of Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Lectures and writings on Climate Change during past 12 years

GRANBERG, Kurt:  ();

GRIFFIN, Gerald D.:  (B.S., Texas A&M University);   former Director of the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, former Apollo Program Flight Director for human lunar exploration/science missions

GUYOT-SIONNEST, Laurent:  (Ms., Electrical Engineering );

HACKEN, George :  (PhD., Physics  );  Joint author of forty Physical-Review papers on Nuclear Physics. Designer and safety-certifier of high-assurance aerospace and train-control software (with papers in that field).  Over 100 reviews in Computing Reviews. Member, Sigma Xi and the New York Academy of Sciences.

HAGEN, Carl I.:  ();  Leader Progress Party of Norway (Governmental party) 1978-2006

HANNESSON, Rögnvaldur:  (Ph.D. );  Professor emeritus NHH – Norwegian School of Economics

HAPPER, William:  (Ph.D., Physics);  Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics (emeritus) Princeton University

HAPPS, John:  (M.Sc. (Hons.); D. Phil., Geosciences );

HARDE, Hermann:  (Ph.D.);  Professor of Physics and Materials Science at Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg, Germany, Emeritus, specialized in laser physics, gas sensors, spectroscopy, radiation transfer in the atmosphere

HAWLEY, John G.:  (BE (NZ) and MA, Ph.D., Cambridge, UK );  Fellow Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (FIPENZ)   Foundation ‘Scientist-in-Charge’ of New Zealand’s National Centre for Research and Survey into Soil Conservation issues with 45 scientists and 40 support staff (technicians, clerical etc ) – 1970 to 1982 when it was reorganised into  Crown Research Institutes via the Govt. Dept of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR = CSIRO, Australia)

HAYDEN, Howard “Cork”:  (PhD.);  Professor Emeritus, University of Connecticut

HAYES, Dennis B.:  (PhD, Physics);  Research Physicist Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories  (retired) President, Lockheed Martin Nevada Technologies, Inc. (retired) Fellow APS

HELLERTZ, Pia:  (Ph.D., Social science             );  Retired University Lecturer Sweden

HENDL, Richard G.:  (Ph.D., Meteorology );  Chief Scientist Emeritus, Air Force Space Technology Center, Geophysics Directorate

HENNIGAN, Thomas D.:  (M.S. );  Associate Professor of Organism Biology, Chair: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Truett McConnell University

HENRIKSSON, Göran:  (PhD., Upsalla University);

HENSVOLD, Eilif:  (PhD., Mathemtics, Harmonic Analysis, Uppsala University 1971);

HERTZBERG, Martin:  (Ph.D. Stanford );  Over 100 publications in combustion science and climate change analysis

HOLMBERG, Krister :  (PhD. );  Professor of Surface Chemistry at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg Sweden. Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences

HOLTROP, Jan:  (PhD (Cum Laude), TU Delft (1962); Msc ( Cum Laude), TU Delft (1958) );  Professor Petroleum Engineering, Emeritus, TU Delft, The Netherlands.  Speciality is petroleum engineering, with 28 years in Shell service, being actively engaged  during that period in oil, gas, coal and metals projects.  Member of KNGMG since 1952

HOPE, Tony:  (BSc, FAusimm, FSEG);

HORSTING, Walter:  ();  Principal, Business Development International

HOSKINS, Ed:  ( MA, Cambridge, RIBA  BDS, University of London);

HOVLAND, Martin:  (Ph.D., MSc.);   Fellow of the Geological Society of London

HOWE, David C.:  ( BA., Aerospace Engineering, Ohio State University );  Retired Program Manager Pratt & Whitney Division of UTC Senior Member: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

HUGHES, Terence J.:  (Ph.D.);  Professor emeritus, of Earth Sciences and Global Change, University of Maine

HUMLUM, Ole:  (Ph.D.);  Professor of Physical Geography, UNIS, Svalbard, Norway. Author of papers on geomorphology, climatology and meteorology

IDSO, Craig:  (PhD, B.S., Geography, Arizona State University, M.S.,Agronomy,the University of Nebraska – Lincoln in 1996 );  Chairman of the board of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change

INGLIS, Jim:  ();

IZMIRIAN, Douglas S.:  (MS. Geophysics, Stanford University );  Member: AGU, SEG, Denver Geophysical Society, AAPG, Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

JACKO, Robert B.:  (Ph.D, P.E.);  Professor of Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Area Faculty Affiliate, Ecological and Environmental Engineering Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University

JACKSON, Avril Terri:  (Bsc.,hons,Queens University Belfast, Msc,Atmospheric Physics, Queens University Belfast,  MPhil, energy economics, Open University, Milton Keynes, England );  Speaker at Heartland Institute  Chicago Climate conference 2010,   assistant to former first Minister of Northern Ireland(Dr Ian Paisley) in energy/climate matters..  Speaker at energy conference in Beijing China 2006.  Speaker at various energy/climate conferences in UK

JACOBS, Albert F.:  (Geol. Drs., P.Geo.  );  Earth Scientist, Resources Exploration Manager (Ret’d), Co-Founder Friends of Science Society

JACOBS, Frederick:  (Ph.D, Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada );  Specialization in molecular biology; employed by Biotech and Pharma companies; now retired.

JANGDAL, Mats:  ();  Member of Swedish Clexit, Political Analyst

JANSEN, Ray:  (PhD.);   Full Professor in Community and Population Ecology at Tshwane university of Technology, member of the South African Council of Natural Scientific Professions, South Africa. Author of numerous papers on natural ecosystems involving animal and plant interactions.

JELBRING, Hans:  (Ph.D., Stockholm University 1998, Msc., Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1969);

JOHANSSON, Stig:  (D.Eng., inorganic chemistry, graduated at the The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.);   am the author of the book Elementary Chemical Mathematics; Chemistry in a Broader Setting, Stockholm 2016. Retired R&D Manager of the Swedish Match Co. Active secretary of the Swedish Section for Detonics and Combustion.

JOHNSON, Bryce:  (BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Idaho; MS, Nuclear Engineering, North Carolina State University; PhD. Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University);  licensed professional nuclear engineer in California, retired;

JOHNSON, Claes:  ();  Prof of Applied Mathematics Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden Author of 100 scientific articles and 10 books on computational mathematics, solid, fluid and quantum mechanics

KAISER, Klaus L.E.:  (Ph.D., FCIC, Canada );  Research Scientist, Natl. Water Research Inst., Burlington, Ontario, Canada, (1972-2002). Editor-in-Chief, Water Quality Research J. Canada, (1992-2002). Formerly also Adjunct Prof., Reviewer/Journal Board Member, etc.  Independent Scientist and Author

KALENDA, Pavel:  ( CSc. );  researcher IRSM CAS

KARAJAS, John:  ( B. Sc(Hons), Stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeoclimatology, UWA);   Geologist

KARLÉN, Wibjörn:  (Ph.D., Physical geography, Stockholm University );  I have since the 1960s been interested in climate and in my PhD thesis I discussed Holocene changes in climate. Data was mainly obtained from studies of glacier moraines in northern Sweden

KAUFMANN, John E.:  (M.S. (1970),  & Ph.D.(1973), Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University  );  Faculty – Cornell University ’73-’76, Michigan State University ’76-’81,  Research Biologist/Science Fellow, Monsanto ’81-’02, Applied Research Biologist, Agrium ’03-’07.   While at universities, I studied crop physiology and metabolism, including measuring temperature effects on turfgrass growth and CO2 exchange.  I began a lifelong scientific interest and study of global cooling in the 1970’s, which changed to global warming in the late 1980’s.

KEEN, Richard:  (Ph.D. );  Instructor of Atmospheric Science, Emeritus, University of Colorado.  Author of 7 books and numerous papers on climate and meteorology

KENDRICK, Hugh:  (Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, P.E.);  Former Director, Plans and Analysis, Office of Nuclear Reactor Research, USDOE; Retd VP Science Applications International Corp.

KHANDEKAR, Madhav L.:  (PH. D., Meteorology, USA );   Retd Scientist Environment Canada; author/coauthor of over 150 papers/reports/scientific commentaries on weather & climate science and on climate change issues

KIBBE, R. Keith :  (MSME, University of So. Cal, 1966);  formerly maintained   profession licenses issue by California in nuclear engineering and   mechanical engineering.  Have been studying the global warming/climate   change matter for over 20 years

KIMOTO, Kyoji:  (M.S., Organic Synthesis);

KLEIN, George Devries:  ( Ph.D.   );  Professor of Geology Emeritus, University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign, author of over  320 referred papers (including 13 reference books), abstracts and reviews, including in fieldof paleoclimatology

KLEVELAND, Gunnvald:  ();

KNOLLE, Ernst:  ();  CEO,  Knolle Magnetrans

KNOX, Robert S.:  (Ph.D.);  Ph. D., Professor Physics Emeritus, University of Rochester, Fellow of American Physical Society, author/coauthor of several peer-reviewed papers on climate

KRAMM, Gerhard:  (Dr. rer. nat.  );  Research Associate Professor of Meteorology (ret.), author of numerous  papers on meteorology, atmospheric trace constituents, and climate,  textbook author

KRUG, Edward:  (Ph.D., Soil Science);  Retired University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Marquis Who’s Who in the World, author of numerous environmental artiles

KVALHEIM, Olav M.:  (D.Phil.);   Professor in chemistry, Univ. of Bergen, expertise in  modelling and environmental and health topics.

LANE, Phillip Murray Steven:  (BA., Agricultural Science, Massey University, NZ, 1977);

LANGELAND, Arnfinn:  (Phd, Dr. philosophiae 1980 );  Professor emeritus in Hydrobiology

LE PAIR, Cornelis:  (RONL, PhD physics, Leiden University, The Netherlands);  honorary doctor in all Technical Faculties of Delft University of Technology, merit destinction of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences. Former CEO of FOM, the National Physics Research Organisation of The Netherlands and of the Technology Foundation STW. Member of the nation´s General Energy Council, the Defence Research Council and chairman of the European monitoring group of governments sponsored industrial ICT.

LEDGER, John:  (PhD);  Past Associate Professor of Energy Studies, Department of Geography, Environmental Management & Energy Studies, University of Johannesburg. Visiting Associate Professor, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

LEGATES, David R.:  (PhD, Climatology, University of Delaware);  Certified Consulting Meterologist

LEGER, Lubert:  ( PhD., Physical chemistry, 1970 University of Houston);  PhD study of ion molecule reactions Retired from NASA Johnson Space Center in 1998 member of TRCS

LEHR, Jay:  (Ph.D.);  Science Director, the Heartland Institute

LEISTEN, J.H.A.:  (BSc 1st Class Hons, Chemistry, PhD, UCL.  );  I was a Life Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry until I resigned in protest at the Society’s silence on the climate issue

LESTER, David H.:  (Ph.D.,Chemical Engineering  );

LEVINE, Robert E.:  (PhD., Physics, University of Pennsylvania, 1970);

LEYLAND, Bryan:  (MSc. );  FIEE(rtd), FIMechE, FIPENZ

LINDZEN, Richard:  (Ph.D., ’64, S.M., ’61, A.B., ’60, Harvard University );  emeritus, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology, Member of National Academy of Sciences, author of numerous papers on climate and meteorology

LITTLE, William W.:  (Ph.D. );  Professor of Geology, Brugham Young University-Idaho

LLYOD, Phillip:  (PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town );  I have worked with the IPCC in an attempt to understand what is wrong with it, to the extent that I was nominated as part of the IPCC’s team which shared the Peace Prize in 2007. I found that scientific findings were regularly misinterpreted at the policy-making communication level, and have accordingly restricted my involvement to one of review of the Assessment Reports.  In addition to this I have completed post doctoral work at MIT

LOUGHEAD, Eric:  (B,Sc.Hons.,Geology );  Founding Member of Friends of Science

LOWRIE, Allen:  ();

MACDONALD, Greg:  (Masters, Minerals and Energy Economics, BSc Hon Geology);

MACDONALD, James:  ( MA., Meteorology,  MIT  1958 );  Retired former chief meteorologist,  Travelers Weather Service, 35 years.   Currently a member of the “Connecticut Climate Realists”

MACRAE, Allan M. R. :  (B.A.Sc., M.Eng., P.Eng. );  Earth Scientist and Professional Engineer, Canada

MAKURATH, Joseph H.:  (PhD., Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, 1975, MA, BA, Geology, Temple University);

MALKEN, Matt :  (Ph.D., Caltech, 1983);  Professor of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA

MANGINO, Martin:  (PhD., Biochemistry and Physiology);  President, Virginia Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment, VA-SEEE

MANHEIMER, Wallace:  (PhD., MIT ’67);  Member IEEE and APS, retired Naval Research Laboratory

MANUEL, Oliver K.:  (PhD., Nuclear Physics);  Former NASA Principal Investigator for Apollo Emeritus UM Professor PhD Nuclear Chemistry Postdoc Space Physics Fulbright in Astrophysics

MARKÓ, István E.:  (PhD., Organic Chemistry, Catholic University of Louvain);  professor and researcher of organic chemistry at the Catholic University of Louvain ( Belgium )

MARTIN, Gary:  (P. Geoph., BSc. Hon. Western University , London Ontario Canada );  President Martex Ltd.

MARUSEK, James A.:  (BS., Physics, UCLA );  U.S. Department of the Navy, retired

MATHIEU, Jean-François:  (M.S.,materials science, 1975 , I.S.I.N. Nancy France, M.S. computer science, 1983 (E.N.S.I.M.A.G. Grenoble France) );   trainer in risk management, retired Member of “Le collectif des climato-réalistes”

MAUER, John:  (S.B MIT Physics 67, Ph.D Yale 72 Atomic and Molecular Physics);

MAY, Andy:  ( BS., Geology, the University of Kansas);  retired petrophysicist with a

MAY, John Ross:  (Bsc, Forestry);  Retired National Park manager. Amazed at the ignorance of politicians and others in authority about the role of CO2 in the atmosphere and life generally

MCCARTHY, John V.:  ( B.Sc. Maj Geol.);  Currently CEO Junior Mining Co., 43 years as a professional

MCCOWN, James:  (PhD., Economics, The Ohio State University);

MCDONELL, Ian:  ();

MCDONELL, Narelle:  ();

MCFARLAND, Richard E.:  (BA., Physics, UC Berkely );  5 years LMSC, 35 years NASA Author of numerous papers on computer modeling Member TRCS

MCGLATHERY, Richard:  (BS., Geology, the University of Texas at Austin);

MCLEAN, John:  ( PhD candidate James Cook University,  Australia  );  Climate Data Analyst Leading reviewer of WG I component of IPCC 5AR Leading reviewer of WG I component  of IPCC 5AR

MILLER, Tracey C.:  ( Ph.D., Economics, the University of Chicago, MA., Agricultural economics, Michigan State UniversityB.S. ,forestry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University);

MILLER JR., Donald W.:  (M.D.);  Professor Emeritus and former Chief, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA

MIMS III, Forrest M.:  (BA, Government, Texas A&M University);  Expert IPCC reviewer. Near daily measurements of column ozone, column water vapor, aerosol optical depth and direct UV-B since 4 February 1990. Calibrations of sunlight instruments at Hawaii’s Mauna Loa Observatory every year from 1992 to 2016

MISKOLCZI, Ferenc Mark:  (Ph.D., Astrophysics Ph.D., Earth Sciences);  Senior Principal Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center (retired). Foreign Associate Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Specialized in atmospheric radiation

MOCKTON, Christopher:  ();  The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley

MOORE, Des:  (BSc Hons, the London School of Economics);  Former deputy Secretary, Treasury (Australia)

MOORE, Patrick:  (PhD., Ecology, University of British Columbia, Honorary Doctorate of Science, North Carolina State University);  National Award for Nuclear Science and History (Einstein Society)

MORAN, Alan:  (PhD., Economics );  former Director of the Deregulation Unit at the Institute for Public Affairs(Australia)

MORGENSTIERNE, Wilhelm:  (MS., Forestry, NMBU );  Pensioner. Occupation in the Norwegian Reindeer Administration and in the Forestry Administration. Senior master at agricultural school

MORNER, Nils-Axel:  (PhD. );  Head of Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics at Stockholm University (1991-2005),  President of the Independent Committee on Geoethics Chairman of Swedish CLEXIT author or several book and hundreds of peer reviewed articles Sea level specialist

MOTL, Lubos:  (PhD., Physics  );  former high-energy theoretical physics junior faculty at Harvard University

NELSON, Brand:  ();

NELSON, Darren:  ();

NERDAL, Willy:  (Dr. scient. );  Professor of Chemistry, University of Bergen. Leader of Norwegian Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Platform, author of  papers on nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

NG, Young:  (PhD., Sydney, MSc., London, DIC  );  Chairman, Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong

NICHOLS, Rodney W.:  (AB Physics, Harvard);   Science and Technology policy Executive Vice President emeritus Rockefeller University President and CEO emeritus, NY Academy of Sciences Co-Founder CO2 Coalition

NIKOLOV, Ned:  (Ph.D., Physical Science);   US Federal Government; expert in ecosystem  modeling; weather forecasting, climate processes

NILSSON, Sven M.:  (PhD. );  professor emeritus, Lund University, Sweden

NYMARK, Anders Ekberg:  (M.S., Chemistry, University of Bergen; Norway);

OARD, Michael J.:  (M.S. Atmospheric Science );  Retired Forecaster NWS, author of 7 papers on meteorology

OLLIER, Clifford:  (D.Sc.);  Geologist

ORIENT, Jane:  (M.D.);  president, Doctors for Disaster Preparedness

PAPPAS, Daniel S.:  (M.S., B.S., Physics, UCLA);  President & CEO ADVEC Power Systems, Inc.

PARMENTOLA, John A.:  (Ph.D., High Energy Physics, MIT);  Former Senior Vice President of Energy and Advanced Concepts, General Atomics, San Diego and Former Director for Research and Laboratory Management, U.S. Army

PEACOCK, James M.:  (B. S. Mechanical Engineering );  NASA retired aerospace engineer, USAF R & D, Apollo, Sky Lab, & Space Shuttle Founding Member: The Right Climate Stuff Research Team

PEDERSEN, Bernt R.:  ( MsC Physics, Master in Technology Management, MIT Sloan);  independent consultant O&G industry, Education:

PERKINS, Julia:  (M.Sc, D.I.C.);  F.AusIMM., GAICD, company director, metallurgical engineer and research manager

PETERS, Bjorn:  (PhD, Physics );  with deep expertise in statistical physics, dynamical modeling, time series analysis and supercomputing. 18 years as professional at McKinsey and in finance, mainly in commodity and power station financing.  A deep understanding of climate science was, amongst others, an important prerequisite of success. Founded the field of systematic spatio-temporal weather analysis in meteorology with a focus on energy meteorology (University of Mainz, Germany). Founded a management and policy advisor company active in the field of energy. Numerous political achievements in Germany in energy policy making.

PETTERSSON, Gösta:  (PhD );  professor em. of Biochemistry, Univ. of Lund, Sweden

POPE, Alex:  ( BS,Engineering Mechanics VPI/Virginia Tech 1967);  psc, CM Retired Aerospace Engineer, MSC  – Manned Spacecraft Center (1963), psc, CM Retired Aerospace Engineer, MSC  – Manned Spacecraft Center (1963),

PRATT, Brian:  (PhD );  P.Geo. University of Saskatchewan

PRUD’HOMME, Rémy:  (PhD );  Professor at the University of Paris-East (emeritus); formerly Deputy Director, Environment Directorate, OECD; frequent visiting Professor at the MIT

QUIRK, Tom:  (M Sc,Melbourne, D Phil, MA, Oxford  );  Fellow and lecturer in nuclear physics, Oxford

RADETZKI, Marian:  (PhD. Economics );  have been working for long as professor in the subject, have specialized my research in natural resources and primary commodity markets, have been very actively interested in climate issues over the past 20 years, have published “The Fallacies of Concurrent Climate Policy Efforts”, Ambio, Vol 39, 2010, p 211-222 and several follow-up texts on climate science and climate policies in Sweden

REIGSTAD, Astor:  (MD., PhD.);  retired Head of Orthopedic Department, National Hospital, Oslo, Norway

RIDD, Peter:  (PhD);  Expertise: Physical Oceanography. (Roughly 100 Papers) I have commented extensively on coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef and role of climate change, or lack thereof, on bleaching

RITTAUD, Benoît:  (PhD. );  associate professor of mathematics, université Paris-13

ROBERTS, Malcom:  ( BE (Honours), MBA);  Senator for Queensland state in Australian parliament,  exploring climate science and corruption of climate science to expose and end climate fraud, author of many reports and investigations of climate claims and those misrepresenting climate and science

ROCK, Ulf:  (M.Sc.,Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology );  Several years  of work with flue gas treatment in coal fired power plants

RØMCKE, Nils Håkon:  (Swedish emailer who wished to sign the petition);

ROSS, Malcom G.:  (HNC, Chemistry );  Former specialist and patent holder in industrial polymerization processes initiated by UV light

ROWDEN-RICH, R. J. Murray:  ( Ph. D.,  Antarctic Glaciology, U. Melbourne, 1993 Civil Engineering, U. of Queensland, Australia, 1960);  active with promoting the idea of glacial action forcing climate

RUMAK, Fred P.:  (BSc. P. Geo, CPG, P. Geol.  );  served as the President at Panterra Resource Corp. since July 8, 2005 and also its Chief Executive Officer since September 2005. Mr. Rumak served as the President and Chief Operating Officer of Winslow Resources Inc. since November 5, 2004. He is a Professional Geologist, with more than 30 years of experience with small and medium-sized Oil and Gas companies in Western Canada and abroad.

RYAN, G.R. :  (MA, Geology, Oxford );  Consulting Geologist Past Secretary of the Mitchell River Watershed Management Group

SANDA, Jan Eirik:  (Cand.agric 1973. NLH-Ås. );  Vit.ass. Inst. for dendrology for 3,5 year thereafter

SATERLEE, Hugh M.:  (Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering );  Design of passive means of temperature control of spacecraft by managing radiation heat transmission.  50 year lay interest in causes of climate change

SAUER, Richard L.:  (MS., Physical Engineering);  Environmental Engineer Retired from NASA, Spacecraft Life Systems Engineer

SAWUSCH, Mark R.:  (M.D.);  Former Physical Chemist

SCHAUPMEYER, Clive:  (M.Sc.  );  Former applied agricultural researcher,  “expert witness” investigator, Distinguished Agrologist, best-selling author (Canada)

SCHERNIKAU, Heinz:  (M.Sc.);  Founder of HMS Bergbau AG, listed at the stock Exchange in Frankfurt, Berlin and Hamburg, (Entry Standard), different leading positions in German and International Energy Companies, since more than 40 years active in the Energy Industry

SCHERNIKAU, Lars:  (PhD, MBA, BS, Economics );  Entrepreneur in commodities, publisher of two books on Coal, author of numerous articles and speaker at global conferences about energy, coal and CO2

SCHMITT, Harrison H.:  (PhD.);  Geologist, Apollo 17 Astronaut, Former United States Senator

SEGALSTAD, Tom V.:  (PhD);  Associate Professor of Geochemistry, University of Oslo, author on many papers on geochemistry with application to CO2 in nature

SERVA, Leonello:  ();  Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Art. Class: Envirinmental and Technological Sciences. I am Geologist. I am the italian representative of the Clexit

SHANAHAN, John A.:  ( Dr. Ing. (Germany), M. Sc. Civil Engineering);  President, Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy – USA,            website: President, Go Nuclear, Inc

SHEAHEN, Thomas P.:  (PhD., physics,MIT, 1966   );  Career in energy-related R&D, especially renewables, natural gas supply    of secondary importance:       Author of textbook “Introduction to High-Temperature Superconductivity” (Plenum Press: 1994)

SIERA, Ramon Benjamin:  (B.App.Sc, Electronics, University of Melbourne );  30 years in electronics engineering.  RF, analogue, digital and software design, sensor R&D, real-world monitoring applications, communications, HF radar, etc.  Now just general circuit and system design and development for small business

SIGERNES, Fred:  ();  Optics and atmospheric research Head of the Kjell Henriksen Observatory (KHO) Leader of Ground-based Instrumentation Group – The Birkeland Centre for Space Science (BCSS)

SINGER, Fred S.:  (Ph.D., Physics,Princeton University, BA, Electrical Engineering, Ohio State University);  professor emeritus of environmental science at the University of Virginia. He directs the nonprofit Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP), which he founded in 1990 and incorporated in 1992 after retiring from the University of Virginia. Dr. Singer served as professor of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (1971-94); distinguished research professor at the Institute for Space Science and Technology, Gainesville, FL, where he was principal investigator for the Cosmic Dust/Orbital Debris Project (1989-94); chief scientist, U.S. Department of Transportation (1987- 89); vice chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Oceans and Atmosphere (NACOA) (1981-86); deputy assistant administrator for policy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1970-71); deputy assistant secretary for water quality and research, U.S. Department of the Interior (1967- 70); founding dean of the School of Environmental and Planetary Sciences, University of Miami (1964-67); first director of the National Weather Satellite Service (1962-64); and director of the Center for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Maryland (1953-62). Dr. Singer did his undergraduate work in

SKILLITZI, Stephen:  (MFA,Univ.Massachusetts 1970. );  lecturer in ‘soft geology’ (Ceramics) and thermal technologies (kiln design). 1976-87. lower house candidate, Climate Skeptics Party, for the Seat of Boothby, Federal elections . 2010

SKOTNER, Peder:  (M.S., Petroleum Technology,  Norwegian Institute of Technology Trondheim 1987);

SLABBER, Johan:  (D.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, University of Pretoria);

SLETTEN, Einar:  (PhD.);  professor emeritus, Physical Chemistry, University of Bergen, Norway

SMIT, C.M. J.(Case):  (BSc,Chem & Met );  Environmental Manager for a multinational aluminium company; founded a company specialising in health effects of people’s environment; studied climate issues for 25 years

SÖDERBERG, Bengt:  (PhD , Stockholm University  );  Brigadier General Swedish Air Force and Retired Chief of the Swedish Military Weather Service

SOLHEIM, Jan-Erick:  (M.S. Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Norway);  Professor emeritus, University of Tromso, Norway, research in compact variable stars and Planets-Sun-Earth relations

SOON, Willie:  (Ph.D);   Independent Scientist

SPENCER, Roy W.:  (Ph.D., Meteorology ’81; M.S., Meteorology, ’79; B.S., Atmospheric & Oceanic Science, ’78);  Principal Research Scientist, University of Alabama in Huntsville; co-developer of method for satellite monitoring of global temperature; author of numerous papers on climate and satellite meteorology.

STAMP, Keith D.:  ();  Consultant – Resources Industry Services

STEWARD, H. Leighton:  (MS., Geology);   Environmentalist, No. 1 New York Times Best Selling Author, Recipient numerous national environmental awards or directorships including the EPA, Louisiana Nature Conservancy, Audubon Nature Institute, the National Petroleum Council and the API. Former energy industry executive and chosen to represent industry on Presidential Missions under both Democratic and Republican Administrations. Member offshore operators Hall of Fame.

STOPA, Michael:  (Ph.D, physics, University of Maryland, B.A. Wesleyan);  My expertise is nanoelectronics and also large computer codes. I have worked at Harvard and until recently at MIT (I was an adjunct professor of chemistry).

STORDAHL, Kjell:  (PhD. );  Telenor Group, Norway

STRIJKERT, Pieter J.:  ( PhD., Biology,Biochemistry);

SUCKEWER, Szymon:  (MS, Ph.D and D.Sc (Habilitation), plasma physics, spectroscopy of gases and fundamentals of lasers);   Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar in School of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton University

SUNDELIN, Ronald M.:  (Ph.D.);  Commonwealth Professor Emeritus of Physics, Virginia Tech, and retired Associate Director, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility.

SUNDIN, Claes:  ();

TAYLOR, Lyndon E.:  (PhD);

TAYLOR, Mitchell:  (PhD.);  Adjunct Professor and Contract Lecturer; Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies; Lakehead University;  polar bear researcher since 1978 and author of numerous papers on polar bear population demography, population status and co-management.

THENDRUP, Arve:  (MSc. );  20 yrs of research in Physical Oceanography and Hydrology, 20 yrs as Manager in Quality Assurance

THOMPSON, David E.:  (Ph.D.);  Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineering President, NM Section of the Soc. Advancement of Material & Process Engineering  Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering Professor Emeritus, Computer Science Dean Emeritus, College of Engineering Univerity of Idaho

TRIGOBOFF, Michael:  (PhD. Computer Science, specializing in applications of artificial intelligence to natural language understanding and medical diagnosis);  30 years of experience as a software engineer: member of the team at Xerox in Palo Alto that produced the Xerox Star Workstation, the first commercially-released computer system with a graphical user interface (mouse, windows, etc) 15 years of teaching Computer Science at Portland Community College, Portland OR

TUVNES, Peter:  (MSc., Physical Metallurgy );  Member of Klimarealistene, Norway

UDO, Fred:  (Ph.D., Nuclear Physics );  Senior researcher Cern Geneva Switzerland Em. Prof Experimental Particle Physics VUB   Brussels.

VENRICK, Jack:  ( B.S., Electrical Engineering Montana State University, M.S. Applied Science -Business Administration ,Industrial Engineering );  The Boeing Company 30 Years Service – Retired

VITERITO, Arthur:  (Ph.D. );  Professor of Geography, College of Southern Maryland, and Editor in Chief, Environment Pollution and Climate Change

WALIN, Gösta:  (PhD., Theoretical Physics, 1972);  Professor emeritus in oceanography at university of Gothenburg, Sweden

WALLACE, Lance:  (PhD., Astrophysics, City University of New York);  I worked at the US EPA, Office of Research and Development, for 27 years, retiring about 2004.  My specialty has been human exposure to particles.

WALTERS, William B.:  (Ph.D.);  Professor of Chemistry, Atmospheric, Nuclear, and Environmental Chemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

WANLIS, James A.:  (Ph.D.);  Professor of Physics, Presbyterian College, author of numerous papers on space weather and nonlinear dynamical systems

WASTERLAIN, Serge:  ();

WEISMANTEL, Steven E.:  ( MSc., Mechanical Engineering);  Professional Engineer (retired) Nuclear Power and Environmental Engineering

WENNBERG, Staffan:  ( MA, Economics, University of Stockholm);  former Chairman World Taxpayers Associations.

WESTGARD, Rolf:  ( );  professional member Geological Society of America; member American Nuclear society; guest faculty for energy subjects, U of MN Lifelong Learning program

WHITEHEAD, David:  (BA( Mod.) TCD, FIMMM, C. Eng.   );  Paleontologist, Economic Geologist and Mining Engineer

WIESE, Chuck F.:  (  BS,Atmospheric Science, Oregon State University, 1979, );  Meteorologist Weatherwise, Inc

WILLIAMSON, Michael M.:  (B.Sc,(Tech) – Fuel Technology with Chemical Engineering, Post-Graduate Diploma – Mineral Dressing, );  Area Chief Coal Preparation Engineer, N.C.B., South Yorkshire U.K. (Emigrated 1976) Chief Coal Preparation Engineer, Mount Isa Mines, Queensland ,Australia, Coal Utilization support to Marketing (Preliminary Retirement 1994) Consultant Coal Preparation Engineer (Retired 2007), Technical Support Editor for Carbon Sense Australia (Current)

WINTERHALTER, Boris:  (Ph.D.);  Senior Researcher in marine geology (retired from Geological Survey of Finland) Adjunct Professor, University of Helsinki, author of numerous papers on sea floor sediments and also on their paleoclimatology

WOOD, David G.:  (PhD., Chem Engineering,  Grad. Dip. Industrial Engineering);

WORT, M. J.:  (PhD FAusIMM FIMMM CP(Met) CEng RPEQ );  Mining Geologist and Mineral Processing Engineer, who totally rejects CO2 hysteria based on his basic training in Mining Geology

WYSMULLER, Thomas H.:  (BA, Meteoroloy );  Ogunquit, Maine, NASA (Ret.); Chair, Water Day 2013, UNESCO IHE Water Research Institute, Delft, The Netherlands; Chair, Oceanographic Section, 2016 World Congress of Ocean, Qingdao China; NASA TRCS charter member

YIM, Wyss:  (DSc, PhD, DIC);  Retired professor University of Hong Kong; Earth systems scientist; Co-leader. IGCP project on Continental shelves in the Quaternary 1996-2000; Deputy chairman (Climate Change Team), International Year of Planet Earth 2007-2009.

YOCOM, John E.:  (B.S., Chemical Engineering, MIT);   I was a Professional Engineer in over 15 states and a Certified Industrial Hygienist. I had a 65 year career as a researcher and environmental consultant, specializing on ambient air quality issues both outdoors and indoors, plus industrial, occupational settings. I presented numerous technical papers on these topics and, together with a colleague, wrote a book, “Measuring Indoor Air Quality”. Since 2005 I have become involved in studies of possible human influences on climate, and helped organize a volunteer group of scientists and engineers, “The Connecticut Climate Realists.”

YOUNG, Kenneth C.:  (PhD., University of Chicago, 1973);  Associate professor  Atmospheric Physics (retired). author of numerous papers on  precipitation processes and past climate reconstruction, published  textbook on Cloud Microphysics

ZELLER, Karl:  (Ph.D. );  adjunct professor, Colorado State University

ZYBACH, Bob:  (PhD., Environmental Sciences, Oregon State University);, author of more than 100 popular articles and editorials regarding forest history, wildfire mitigation, reforestation planning, and Indian burning practices

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