CO2 Coalition Members

Robert Seitz

B.S. Electrical Engineering

Robert Seitz is an electrical engineer with experience in a broad range of the electrical and electronic disciplines that includes environmental monitoring, power systems, process control systems, hazardous (explosive atmospheres) location evaluation, electrical design and alternate energy system design. Robert is also a very experienced Arctic Engineer with good understanding of the processes and conditions in the Arctic and Subarctic regions of Alaska.

Although he has 56 graduate credits in electrical engineering, oceanography, ocean engineering work and family took priority over completing his thesis, but he has been a registered Professional Electrical Engineer in Alaska since 1978.

Since 2001, Mr. Seitz has been very active with IEEE Electrical Standards both on working groups and balloting of the standards. When the move to permit renewable and alternate energy sources to local grids in Alaska, he became involved with the IEEE 1547 and other groups of standards to help ensure the transitions would be made with good and proper engineering application.  Through this effort he became involved in the climate discussions as they impact energy systems and Alaska, and eventually began submitting opinion articles for print in local news media.

Robert has been very active in the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) for the past 25 years and has been Chair of the Alaska Section of the IEEE for a total of 5 years since 2012. He is a lifelong Alaskan and avid cross-country skier.

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