Peter Morcombe
Master of Arts degree from Cambridge University, in Electrical Engineering (Honors), and Physics (Class II, Div I). TEMA award 1962. Some French and Spanish. Member of the IEEE & the IEE.
RETIRED (2018 - Present)
Volunteer work connected with K-12 education.
PLUSCOMM INC. (2003 - 2017)
Delivered fiber optics courses at universities (e.g. UCF and NCSU), community colleges and corporations such as Verizon.
As "Reading Coach" won a $600,000 reading grant based on Science Based Reading Research.
DUKE UNIVERSITY (1990 -2002)
Chief Electrical Engineer at the Duke University Free Electron Laser Laboratory.
High technology factory reorganizations and start ups in ten states from Maine to California.
ITT CORPORATION (1978 - 1987)
Director of Business Operations, Asia, Pacific, and Latin America. 1982-1987.
General Manager of the Optical Communications Division of STC Ltd. 1978-1982
Actively advocated the reform of through 12 public education at federal, state, and local levels.
Lobbied in support of expanding school choices, including the introduction of charter schools. Presented numerous charter proposals leading to the creation of the six "FREE" schools in North Carolina and one "Virtual School" in Florida while a member of the Central Florida Virtual Charter School Board.