CO2 Coalition Members

Neil Frank


About The Member

Neil L. Frank, Ph.D. (Meteorology) is a veteran atmospheric scientist of over 50 years’ service.

Atmospheric scientist; Director of the National Hurricane Center (1974–1987) and Chief Meteorologist of KHOU-TV, the CBS affiliate in Houston, TX (1987–2007)

He received a Bachelor’s degree in chemistry at Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas, in chemistry and earned his Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in meteorology at Florida State University.

Dr. Frank served as Chairman for the World Meteorological Organization's Hurricane Committee for North and Central America (1976-1987). He was the longest-serving Director of the National Hurricane Center (1974–1987) and Chief Meteorologist of KHOU-TV, the CBS affiliate in Houston, TX (1987–2007), and continues his study of climate change in his retirement. He is a Fellow of The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.

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