CO2 Coalition Members

Martin (Marty) Cornell

B.S. Chemistry

In 2000, as the Senior Development Scientist of Dow Chemical’s Automotive Business Unit, Marty Cornell became aware that carbon dioxide was being touted to be a pollutant akin to real tailpipe emissions such as NOx, VOC, and particulate material. This started his journey, upon retirement in 2003, to understand the impact of industrial greenhouse gases on climate and the underlying rational for policy to demonize fossil fuels and the transformation of society to run on “green” energy.  Two decades later, it is apparent that the complexity of climate science is but a convenient platform to manipulate for control and power by the elites in government, industry, and academia. The climate crisis exists only in climate models.

In 1967, Marty graduated with a degree in Chemistry from Miami University and joined the Dow Chemical Company where he worked in product research and development for the next 35 years. Much of this time was focused on providing innovative uses of thermosetting polymers for aerospace and transportation applications to satisfy desires for greater fuel economy and enhanced safety.  Later work included the development of ceramic filtration devices for trapping and catalytically converting diesel engine exhaust to CO2, water, and nitrogen.

Living south of Houston, Texas, in 2012 Marty joined the newly-formed The Right Climate Stuff Research Team of mostly retired Apollo-era NASA scientists and engineers who shared the same curiosity of anthropogenic impacts on climate.  Marty has authored summarized conclusions of this team for distribution to educators, policy makers, and the public.  For the last four years he has served as vice-chairman of TRCS, engaging with public officials in Austin and responding to misleading articles and editorials in written media. Marty takes every opportunity to present overviews to groups interested in the reality of an ever-changing climate controlled by natural processes.

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