CO2 Coalition Members

Mark Ramsay


Mark Ramsay had a career in industry doing engineering and engineering and construction project management.  While at Dupont, he innovated a better metal sublimation process and managed engineering and construction of one of the foremost pharmaceutical pilot plants in the world. While at Constellation Energy, he developed an app that used linear algebra and regression to solve a longstanding calibration problem.  He was a finalist in a global Johnson Controls innovation competition.  While there, he managed engineering, construction, and startup of a unique 3 MW generation project at a wastewater treatment plant which used weak methane as fuel.  Its ribbon cutting event was featured on TV news and advertised worldwide.  He received a US Patent last year for improving home air conditioning.  He is retired from industry and does project management consulting.

Mark received a BSE from Princeton in mechanical and aerospace engineering.  He won a research excellence prize and was inducted into Sigma Xi.  He received an MS from Johns Hopkins in Technical Management, with honors.  He is a professional engineer, emeritus, from Delaware.  His reading concentrates on the historical, scientific, and ideological.  He has a good knowledge of thermodynamics and heat transfer which has helped his critical thinking about global warming.

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