Lee Gerhard
Lee Gerhard is senior scientist emeritus, University of Kansas, and past director and state geologist of the Kansas Geological Survey. His research interests are in carbonate sedimentology, petroleum geology, and environmental public policy; Founder and Co-Director, Energy Research Center: Univ.
Honors and Awards:
Public Outreach Award, Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol. 2007
Member, Russian Academy of Natural Science-US Branch 2005
(Kapitsa Medal, 2005, Einstein Medal, 2006, Chilingar-Golomb Giants of Science and Engineering Medal, 2006)
Public Outreach Award, DEG/AAPG, 2003
Kansas Oil and Gas Hall of Fame, 2002
Honorary Membership, Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., 1997
Honorary Membership, Div. Env. Geosciences, AAPG, 1998
Honorary Membership, Assoc. of American State Geologists. 1999
Honorary Membership, Kansas Geological Society, 1999
Public Outreach Award, DEG/AAPG, 1999
Journalism Award, Amer. Assoc. Petroleum Geol., 1996
Who's Who in America, 1980-pres.
American Men and Women of Science
Past President' s Award, Rocky Mtn. Sect., A.A.P.G.
Nomination for National Treasurer, A.A.P.G., 1986
Distinguished Service Award, A.A.P.G., 1989
Nomination for National President, AAPG, 1999
Nomination for National Vice President, A.A.P.G., 1989
Technical Advisor, Potential Gas Committee (Honorary)
Other Interests:
Scenic and technical photography, fishing, hunting, golf, watercolor painting