CO2 Coalition Members

John Shewchuk

MS Meteorology

Certified Consulting Meteorologist

John graduated from Penn State University in 1972 with a Bachelors in Meteorology.  While at Penn State he also enrolled in the Air Force ROTC program and obtained a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant.  After 22 years in the Air Force, John retired as an Advanced Weather Officer and attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

While in the Air Force, John obtained his Masters in Meteorology from the Naval Post-Graduate School at Monterey, California.  There he specialized in Hurricane and Typhoon modeling.  Upon graduating, he was assigned to the Joint Typhoon Warning Center at Guam.  During his 3-year Guam assignment he issued more than 500 storm warnings for 100 tropical cyclones -- including the world's largest known tropical cyclone -- Typhoon Tip.  For recognition of his forecasting and research achievements, he was awarded the Air Force 1979 Forecaster of the Year Award.

After retiring from the Air Force he became a Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) and was board certified by the American Meteorological Society.  He also works on a variety of meteorological and climate projects by designing computer programs and videos.

Website: Climate Craze

Recent video: Battle for Climate Earth


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