CO2 Coalition Board of Directors

Jeffrey Salmon

Ph.D. World Politics

Jeffrey Salmon held senior positions within the Department of Energy from 2001 – 2018, including Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary, Chief of Staff in the Office of Science, Associate Under Secretary for Science, and Director of Resource Management in the Office of Science.  He received his Ph.D. in World Politics from The Catholic University of America, his M.A. in Political Philosophy from Northern Illinois University, and his B.A. in Politics from Furman University.

Dr. Salmon served as Senior Speechwriter to Secretaries of Defense Caspar Weinberger, Frank Carlucci, and Dick Cheney and was a Senior Fellow in the Institute for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University.  He was on the staff of two members of Congress and was a Research Assistant at SRI International where he also served as Managing Editor of the journal Comparative Strategy.

After serving in the Department of Defense, Dr. Salmon was Executive Director of the George C. Marshall Institute until he moved to the Department of Energy in 2001.  He has published in the Wall Street JournalCommentaryComparative Strategy, the Journal of Environmental Education, and for the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Since his retirement from federal service, Dr. Salmon served as acting Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition and is working closely with the Senior Executive Association on issues related to civil service modernization.

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