Coalition Staff

Frits Byron Soepyan – Research and Science Associate

Ph.D. Chemical Engineering

Frits Byron Soepyan graduated from The University of Tulsa in 2009 with Bachelor of Science degrees in Chemical Engineering and Mathematics, and in 2015 with a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering.

As a Ph.D. student at The University of Tulsa, Dr. Soepyan collaborated with Chevron, and provided Chevron with a solution for sand transport in pipelines through the development of the computer program TUSTORM (Tulsa University Sand Transport – Optimization and Ranking Methodology), which has been used by Chevron in major capital projects.

Afterwards, as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at NETL (National Energy Technology Laboratory), Dr. Soepyan continued to conduct research in the energy sector. The projects involved a direct power extraction system, a carbon capture plant, and the improvement of FOQUS (Framework for Optimization, Quantification of Uncertainty, and Surrogates), an open-source, in-house software.

Then, as a Process Systems Engineer at AristoSys, LLC, Dr. Soepyan has contributed to projects that include emission reduction, decarbonization, hydrogen production, and proposal reviews.

After learning about the benefits of CO2 and the danger of “Net Zero”, Dr. Soepyan joined the CO2 Coalition as a member. Currently, Dr. Soepyan works as a Research and Science Associate at the CO2 Coalition.

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