CO2 Coalition Members

Earl Ault

Ph.D. Physics

Dr. Ault, an experimentalist, has over 30 years of experience in the development of technologies utilizing high-power lasers for research and industrial applications. Although trained as a Plasma Physicist at University of California Los Angeles, he quickly applied his experience in the field of high-power, gas-laser development. While at Northrop Research and Technology Center in Hawthorne, California, Dr. Ault developed electron-beam-excited, rare-gas, excimer lasers used in industry and defense. He holds an original patent for the krypton fluoride laser that is now used in LASEX eye surgery.

In 1975, Dr. Ault joined the Exxon nuclear team in Richland, Washington, to develop an isotope-enrichment process to make uranium light water reactor fuel from Department of Energy gaseous diffusion plant tailings. After 5 years, the project was canceled because of presidential politics. Dr. Ault returned to California and joined the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Laser Enrichment Program. This project had the same goal as Exxon: produce light water reactor fuel for power generation using lasers to reduce the otherwise large energy requirements of other methods. Dr. Ault participated in the program for over 20 years and became a noted expert in Laser Isotope Enrichment. Subsequent consulting opportunities broadened his knowledge in this field, both in laser technology and product-enrichment methods. While at LLNL, Dr. Ault had the opportunity to participate in the review of Laboratories Directed Research and Development programs on climate change modeling. That program concentrated on comparing others models to see if they gave the same results. At the time, the models went chaotic after about 100 model years, casting doubt on the reliability of projected results. Comparisons to satellite data over the ensuing decades showed major discrepancies between model predictions and measurement.

In 2003, Dr. Ault retired from LLNL. In the mean time (1990) Dr. Ault and his wife, Linda, started a small business: a boutique winery in the Livermore Valley, East of San Francisco. After 33 years of operating the winery the Aults retired to Walnut Creek, California, to pursue personal interests. Those include the study of climate change and its effect on the economy and politics. Dr. Ault is also an artist specializing in transparent watercolor and black and white photography.

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