CO2 Coalition Members

Donn Dears

About The Member

Mr. Dears is an engineering graduate, with honors, from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, and served on active duty in the U.S. Navy during the Korean war.

Mr. Dears worked at General Electric testing large steam turbines and generators used by utilities to generate electricity; followed, by manufacturing and marketing assignments at the Transformer Division. Later he led an organization servicing these and other GE products in the United States and established facilities around the world to service power generation, transmission and other electric equipment.

Mr. Dears has inspected oil producing and shipping facilities in Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries in the Mideast and Northern Europe, as well as examining iron-ore mining locations and major shipping centers in Europe and Asia to assess their need for U.S. technologies and equipment.

Following his retirement as a senior GE Company executive, he continued to study and write about energy issues. Before retiring as president of TSAugust, a 501 (C) 3 think tank comprised entirely of volunteers, he wrote for tsaugust.  He has written five books as well as various papers and articles and speaks about energy issues to broad audiences.

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