CO2 Coalition Members

Charles Battig


About The Member

Dr. Charles Battig, is a retired physician and electrical engineer. In the 1960s he served as “principal scientist in bio-medical monitoring systems” at North American Aviation Los Angeles in support of the Apollo Moon Mission. Later he served in the U.S. Public Health Service at NIH, Bethesda MD, in the biomedical engineering branch. Following teaching appointments in anesthesiology at UCLA and Mt. Sinai, NYC, he entered the private practice of anesthesiology until retirement.

An engineer by training with a M.S. in Electrical Engineering; a physician by training with an M.D. degree and Board Certified in Anesthesia, in the 1960s, Dr. Battig worked in support of the Apollo Lunar mission. Later, he served at the National Institutes of Health in the Biomedical Engineering Branch. He is now retired after spending the major portion of his working career as an anesthesiologist in both academic and private practice.

After settling near Charlottesville, Virginia about ten years ago, he became aware of the rich heritage of climatologists here, including, Pat Michaels, S. Fred Singer, Michael Mann, and Dennis Avery, as well as Chris Horner.

As there was no active local voice countering the “Al Gore” version of climatology, he decided to become the local a “climate reality” activist. Over the past ten years, his writings have appeared in the local press, in the Wall Street Journal, and in Barron’s. He has been invited to give presentations at various local social groups and appears on the local talk radio shows with some regularity. He spoke as a member of the public at four of ex-governor T. Kaine’s climate change commission hearings, countering the testimony of the commission members.

During the past two years, he attended three of the four Heartland International Climate Change Meetings. In 2009, Prof. S. Fred Singer appointed him president of the Piedmont Chapter (one of five chapters) of the Virginia Scientists and Engineers for Energy and Environment.

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