
Energy Sobriety In The Canadian Rockies: Natural Gas Is Here To Stay

By Tilak Doshi What a breathe of fresh air! Not only because it is in the mountains, the Canadian Rockies, with the spectacular backdrop of Banff, Alberta, to be specific. But also because it is refreshing that the triennial global gas conference IGRC2024 held in Banff last week headlined speakers who proclaimed the virtues of fossil fuels… Continue Reading

As Europe Deindustrializes, Can Economic Suicide Be Avoided?

By Tilak Doshi Voltaire famously said that “common sense is not so common.” Nowhere is this adage more relevant than in the field of energy policies in the European Union. These policies are most vigorously pursued in Germany—Europe’s industrial powerhouse—since it adopted the Energiewende legislation in 2010. The regulations and mandates adopted are simultaneously hostile to fossil fuels and… Continue Reading

Biden’s Climate Emergency: Green Policies on Steroids?

By Tilak Doshi According to a Bloomberg report last week, White House officials have renewed discussions about declaring a national “climate emergency”. The intent is not new. Six days after President Biden’s inauguration, the then newly minted Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called for the president to declare an emergency over the “climate crisis.” In 2022, the administration considered a similar… Continue Reading

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