
Judge Orders Administration to Cease Using the Social Cost of Carbon

Dr. Patrick Michaels February 11, 2022 Today, in a sweeping ruling from the Western District of Louisiana, Judge James D. Cain, Jr. ruled that the Biden administration must shelve its version of the “social cost of carbon” (SCC) for any regulatory action. Judge Cain’s ruling echoes much of what we have written in recent years—that… Continue Reading

With Climate Change, Is It Garbage In, Trillions Out?

With Climate Change, Is It Garbage In, Trillions Out? By Bruce Everett One basic principle of computer modeling is “garbage in, garbage out”.  In other words, you can’t model phenomena you don’t understand. Nonetheless, politicians often use bad models to give a veneer of legitimacy to weak ideas. Climate policy is essentially a debate over… Continue Reading

The Social Cost of Carbon and Carbon Taxes – Pick a number, any number

The Social Cost of Carbon and Carbon Taxes – Pick a number, any number By Bruce M. Everett – CO2 Coalition Director From the Executive Summary Leaving aside its scientific and economic uncertainties, the government’s Social Cost of Carbon is so sensitive to input assumptions that small, quite reasonable variations can produce almost any price… Continue Reading

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