
How AI Is Outsmarting Green Energy, Zero Carbon Fantasies

By Larry Bell Big artificial intelligence-related companies are soon coming to realize that net-zero emissions plans to kill and replace fossil energy with wind and solar is a dumb notion that will leave them and American power consumers competing in the dark. As noted by Wall Street Journal writers Jennifer Hiller and Scott Patterson, giant… Continue Reading

EPA’s Electric Rationing Madness Short Circuits Any Benefit

By Larry Bell There was a time when the EPA provided vitally important services to clean up and protect America’s air, land, and water from truly toxic substances. That was before climate change madness ensued and essential plant-nourishing CO2 was deemed a “pollutant” to be eliminated by replacing reliable hydrocarbons that provide more than 80% of… Continue Reading

No Reason ‘Green Energy,’ EV Batteries Should Escape Carbon Tax

By Larry Bell Those eager to tax U.S. and imported hydrocarbon energy products that emit CO2 in order to end many millions of years of climate change should be cautious regarding those “green alternatives” they wish for. Look no farther than “Foreign Pollution Fee Act” (FPFA) legislation proposed by Sens. Bill Cassidy, R-La., and Lindsey… Continue Reading

Climate Agenda Makes Vital CO2 a Dangerous Pollutant

By Larry Bell To get some sense of powerful political agenda influences on global climate and environmental policies, it’s instructive to revisit the acid rain hysteria of the late 1960s which led quite directly to demonization of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a “climate pollutant.” This second manufactured scare continues today, thanks to active assistance from… Continue Reading

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