
Scientific Method Restored to Science Education in North Carolina

By Gregory Wrightstone As a physicist, John Droz holds in high regard the Scientific Method, a 400-year-old approach to investigating reality. Rooted in Isaac Newton’s work, which included creation of the calculus, the Scientific Method has long underpinned examination of the physical world and technological advancement. Image: CK-12 Foundation, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 3.0 Quite understandable… Continue Reading

Education Game-Changer: How You Can Do the Same Thing in Your State

By John Droz I received a LOT of positive feedback (and essentially nothing negative) from my recent post: Education Game-Changer. Thank you for your support! It was also gratifying that several people asked me to outline how this came about so they could do something similar in their state. In response, I put together the… Continue Reading

Major Victory as Scientific Method Returns to NC K-12 Standards

By John Droz This was the first year that N.C. K-12 Science Standards were formally reviewed since 2009 — way too long. I first became aware of what was being proposed when the 2nd Draft was published on the N.C. Department of Public Instruction (DPI) website. As a professional scientist, I read these carefully and had two major concerns. The first was… Continue Reading

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