
Summer: The Best of Times for Climate Alarmists

By Gregory Wrightstone August and September are great months to be a professional climate alarmist like Dr. Michael Mann of the University of Pennsylvania. You have hurricanes making landfall, wildfires seemingly everywhere, the odd F-4 tornado wreaking devastation, and you can pretend that these never happened before we started adding CO2 to the atmosphere. Plus, you have virtually… Continue Reading

The Lancet’s Scientific Chicanery on Mortality Exposed by CO2 Coalition

By Gregory Wrightstone A deception perpetrated by The Lancet is another example of how once respected institutions of the scientific community are not above abandoning principle to advance the fearmongering of a planet warming to purportedly dangerous levels. As reported in the CO2 Coalition’s online newsletter, The Lancet published a study showing that cold-related deaths… Continue Reading

Wind Farms Wrong for Right Whales

By Gregory Wrightstone Wind energy is presented by climate alarmists as a planet saver – a friend of Earth’s flora and fauna. Nothing could be further from the truth, which is becoming more apparent with increasing deaths among whales along the United States’ East Coast. Though dismissed by official agencies charged with wildlife protection, evidence… Continue Reading

GREGORY WRIGHTSTONE: “Reasonable” Concessions to Climate Hysteria Lack Reason

by Gregory Wrightstone First, there is no climate emergency. Claims to the contrary are based on exaggerations of carbon dioxide’s warming effect and computer models that have proven unreliable. As Republicans settle into the leadership of the new House of Representatives, we are hoping for clearer congressional thinking about the climate issue. However, there is… Continue Reading

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