
Wind and Solar are Competitive with Fossil Fuels only in Subsidized Price, Not in True Cost

Wind and Solar are Competitive with Fossil Fuels only in Subsidized Price, Not in True Cost

A CO2 Coalition Review of a Media Claim

In a new Science & Policy Brief, economist Bruce Everett tackles a vital question in determining America’s energy future: are “renewable” forms of energy truly competitive with traditional fossil fuels?

Says Dr. Everett: “The June 25 Wall Street Journal has a news piece by Rochelle Toplensky entitled “Green Energy is Finally Going Mainstream.”  Ms. Toplensky claims that “the cost of renewable energy can now be competitive with fossil fuels.” Unfortunately, her argument is based on one of the oldest and most common economic fallacies: confusing cost and price.


New-tech American Coal-fired Electricity for Africa: Clean Air, Indoors and Out

Introduction Human health, morbidity, mortality and longevity are significantly impacted by climate. This review examines the evidence for past, present and possible future health impacts of climate change on disease and disease vectors, on extreme weather events, floods, droughts, heatwaves and wildfires, on food and famine, and on social and mental health. It will also Continue Reading

The President, not the New York Times, Is Right on the Social Cost of Carbon

The President, not the New York Times, Is Right on the Social Cost of Carbon August 5, 2020 A CO2 Coalition Review of a Media Claim Energy economist Dr. Bruce Everett says in a new Science and Policy Brief: The Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) is an estimate of the present value of the future… Continue Reading

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