
Scientific Paper Concludes Refrigerants’ Gases Pose No Threat to Climate

A paper by two members of the CO2 Coalition, Arlington, Virginia, suggests that the promoters of man-made warming in the international community are promoting the expenditure of large sums of money on replacing certain refrigerants whose capacity to warm the atmosphere is of little consequence.

The authors are Drs. William van Wijngaarden, formerly chairman of the Faculty of Science and Engineering Council at York University, Canada, and William Happer, CO2 Coalition chairman and professor emeritus of physics at Princeton University.

The paper examines the warming potential of 14 halogenated gases, which are more specifically identified as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The gases are to be phased out as refrigerants because of their purported threat of dangerously warming the climate. The ban on these chemicals is being imposed under amendments to a 1987 international agreement known as the Montreal Protocol, which forced the abandonment of freon as a refrigerant because of concerns about that chemical’s capacity to destroy ozone in the upper atmosphere. The U.S. Senate ratified the so-called Kilgali amendment to the Montreal Protocol in 2022.

Drs. Van Wijngaarden and Happer conclude that the 14 gases’ contribution to atmospheric warming amounts to only 0.002 degrees C per decade, a warming indistinguishable from zero.

Read the complete publication here:

Instantaneous Clear Sky Radiative Forcings of Halogenated Gases | W. A. van Wijngaarden, W. Happer


American Midwest and Climate Change: Life in America’s Breadbasket is Good and Getting Better

Assertions by the 4th U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA4) that the American Midwest will suffer negative effects – some catastrophic – from climate change are scientifically invalid and contrary to reality. Highly qualified professionals of the CO2 Coalition arrived at this conclusion after a careful review of real-world data and NCA4’s research methodologies and findings.… Continue Reading

Impact of Changing Greenhouse Gas Concentrations on Ontario’s Climate

by W. A. van Wijngaarden The effect of changing greenhouse gas concentrations, most notably carbon dioxide, CO2, on climate was examined. In particular, calculations of the climate sensitivity, the warming of the Earth due to a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide, are discussed. Greenhouse gas concentrations, as determined from air bubbles trapped in ice as… Continue Reading

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