
Two Important Supreme Court Cases Strongly Support the CO2 Coalition’s Supreme Court Strategy

July 14, 2024 Two recent Supreme Court cases validate the CO2 Coalition’s Supreme Court Strategy to file comments that can be used in briefings by those challenging various Net Zero regulations in the Courts of Appeal and then the Supreme Court.   Coalition comments were filed by Drs. William Happer (Princeton) and Richard Lindzen (MIT) in… Continue Reading

Net Zero Policies Will Have a Trivial Effect on Temperature, But Disastrous Effects on People Worldwide

Richard Lindzen Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Emeritus Massachusetts Institute of Technology William Happer Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Princeton University Net Zero Policies Will Have a Trivial Effect on Temperature, But Disastrous Effects on People Worldwide July 19, 2024 The United States and countries worldwide are vigorously pursuing regulations and subsidies to reduce… Continue Reading

Net Zero Averted Temperature Increase

R. Lindzen, W. Happer, and W. A. van Wijngaarden June 2024 Many people are surprised by how little warming would be averted from adoption of net zero policies. For example, if the United States achieved net zero emissions of carbon dioxide by the year 2050, only a few hundredths of a degree Celsius of warming… Continue Reading

Carbon Tax Opposed by CO2 Coalition Stopped by Court

RELEASE: Immediate November 2, 2023 ARLINGTON, Va. — A proposed carbon tax — known as the Regional Greenhouse Initiative (RGGI) opposed by the CO2 Coalition has been killed by Pennsylvania’s Commonwealth Court. In deciding a case that had been pending for months, the court found that former Gov. Tom Wolf’s unilateral action to have Pennsylvania… Continue Reading

CO2 Coalition Submits Comment on EPA’s Proposed Power Plant Regulations as Dangerous and Unscientific

Release: Immediate July 21, 2023 Download entire comment here (pdf) ARLINGTON, Va. – A proposed federal rule to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants should not be adopted because it scientifically invalid and would endanger lives by denying people the benefits of fossil fuels and increasing levels of CO2, according to two eminent physicists.… Continue Reading

Challenging Net Zero with Science

February 23, 2023 Net Zero Plans Are Dangerous and Unsupported by Science and the Scientific Method Net Zero initiatives of governments and private organizations are scientifically invalid and will lead to worldwide impoverishment and starvation if implemented, according to a paper published by the CO2 Coalition. The 55-page paper details how the objectives of Net… Continue Reading

CO2 Coalition and Drs. Happer and Lindzen File Amicus Brief Supporting CHECC

In 2009, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, under the auspices of the Clean Air Act, falsely determined that carbon dioxide was a pollutant. This is known as the Endangerment Finding and has been used since then to enable EPA to regulate and control CO2 emissions.    It is this authority that is being used… Continue Reading

An Assessment of the Conventional Global Warming Narrative

by Richard Lindzen Technical paper 5, The Global Warming Policy Foundation Abstract The one-dimensional picture of the greenhouse effect and the role of carbon dioxide in this mechanism dominates current depictions of climate and global warming. We briefly review this picture. [See attached document.] We then discuss the shortcomings of this approach in dealing with… Continue Reading

Lindzen, Happer & CO2 Coalition Comment on the CFTC Climate-Related Financial Risk

On August 8, 2022, Richard Lindzen, William Happer and the CO2 Coalition submitted comments to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission on climate-related financial risk. Read the entire comment here: Happer Lindzen CO2C CFTC 8-7-22d Our conclusion states: In our scientific opinion as career scientists, there is no scientific basis for the CFTC inquiry.  Real science… Continue Reading

William Happer, Richard Lindzen and CO2 Coalition comment on the 4th National Climate Assessment

Publication: Scientific paper in response to USGCRP Decadal Strategic Plan 2022-2031 | Authors: William Happer, Richard Lindzen & Gregory Wrightstone | Date: 22 July 2022 Happer-Lindzen-CO2C-USGCRP-NCA-7-22-22(1)   I.          SUMMARY On May 26, 2022, the United States Global Change Research Program (“USGCRP”) explained it is developing a Decadal Strategic Plan 2022-31 and indicated they are focusing on three scientific… Continue Reading

On Climate Sensitivity

On Climate Sensitivity by Richard S. Lindzen, Ph.D. with review assistance from Roy W. Spencer, Ph.D. June 2020 Editor’s Note This is a superb paper to kick off the CO2 Coalition’s Climate Issues in Depth Series. The topic lies at the heart of the public policy debate over climate and energy, and the author is… Continue Reading

The Global Mean Temperature Anomaly Record

The purpose of this paper is to explain how the data set that is referred to by policy-makers and the media as the global surface temperature record is actually obtained, and where it fits into the popular narrative associated with climate alarm. ... Continue Reading

Lindzen, Happer & CO2 Coalition file amicus brief in 5th Circuit Court

RELEASE: Immediate                                                                                                June 22, 2022 CO2 Coalition Tells Court Carbon Regulation “Scientifically Invalid” Download pdf ARLINGTON, Va. — President Biden’s Social Cost of Carbon rule is “scientifically invalid and will be disastrous for the poor people worldwide, future generations and the United States,” according to a court brief by two physics professors at Princeton… Continue Reading

SEC Statement by Richard Lindzen and William Happer

Comment and Declaration on the SEC’s Proposed Rule “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors,” William Happer, Professor of Physics, Emeritus, Princeton University Richard Lindzen, Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 17, 2022 Comment and Declaration Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed… Continue Reading

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