(This is the third of five articles, using published data and simple logic, to demonstrate that net-zero carbon is unattainable by 2050 with wind, solar or nuclear, or a combination of these methods for power generation.) This analysis reflects ONLY United States energy demand and production by source. The critical issue addressed in these studies… Continue Reading
Donn Dears – June 10, 2022 (This is the second of five articles, using published data and simple logic, to demonstrate net-zero carbon is unattainable by 2050 with wind, solar or nuclear, or a combination of these methods for power generation.) This analysis reflects ONLY United States energy demand and production by source. The critical… Continue Reading
Donn Dears – June 10, 2022 (This is the first of four articles, using published data and simple logic, to demonstrate net-zero carbon is unattainable by 2050 with wind, solar or nuclear, or a combination of these methods for power generation.) This analysis reflects ONLY United States energy demand and production by source. The critical… Continue Reading